
Reception Class Liturgical Prayer

Today Reception Class invited their families to come and take part in their liturgical prayer with them based around the parable of the lost sheep.  They set up their focal point, read aloud the story, shared their own prayers and helped the adults take part in their mission of creating friendship bracelets to give to someone who they think is …

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KS2 Pray the Rosary

As we are in the season of Lent, KS2 prayed together the sorrowful mysteries. This was kindly led by school Governors Mrs Bell and Mrs Lowry and we were joined by Deacon Peter. It gave us time to reflect together on the mysteries and share our prayers. All children used their Rosary beads to pray and Year 5 used their …

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Year 6 Stations of the Cross

Year 6 enjoyed a visit from one of our governors today, Mrs Bell,  who took us over to church and talked us through the stations of the cross. At each one we stopped, listened to the story, reflected, prayed and as we moved between stations said a prayer each time. Back in class we thought about the acts of kindness …

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Easter Disco

Our Friends Of St. Cuthbert’s organised an Easter disco, which was a great success. Children enjoyed dancing, playing games and party food. We also had a paste egg competition.

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School Councillors meet Seaham Councillors

Last week the School Council met up with two Seaham Councillors; Councillor Brace and Councillor Fuller. Following the questionnaire we sent out to parents, the children compiled a list of questions to ask the councillors. Please click on the link to view the questions and responses. School councillors meet Seaham councillors

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Year 2 Stations of the Cross

Year 2 visited church to make a prayer pilgrimage through the stations of the cross to help us to grow closer to Jesus during Lent. We heard the different parts of the story at each station, said prayers and asked God to help us to be better follows of Jesus.

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Friends Of St. Cuthbert’s School

Please see the link latest information about the Easter Disco from our Friends of St. Cuthbert’s. Easter Disco  

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Year 4 Liturgical Prayer

Year 4 class Liturgical prayer about reconcilaiton

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Year 6 Liturgical Prayer

Year 6 Liturgical Prayer

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Stars Of The Week

Well done to our latest Stars Of The Week and Readers Of The Week, lots of reasons to celebrate our children’s achievements this week.

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Y2 Science

For our Living Things and Their Habitats topic, we have been out in our school grounds investigating microhabitats. We conducted a survey to discover which mini-beasts we could find. We had a great time turning over logs, looking in cracks in trees and spotting lots of creatures. It was interesting to see the mini-beasts in their natural habitats and we …

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Football News

Our B Team played in the Turns Family Cup Tournament tonight. They played three games, winning one and drawing two. Luckily, they did enough to go through to the final on goal difference. They all played brilliantly, worked well as a team and showed great sportsmanship. Well done!  

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Football News

After a long season break, our school football teams had a league match tonight against Ropery Walk. The B Team played first and attacked and defended well. The two teams were evenly matched and this was reflected in the score of 1-1. Our goal came from Perseus. A special mention to Oliver who stepped up and did a great job …

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Stars Of The Week

Congratulations to our latest Stars Of The Week. Lots of excellent reasons for children to be awarded their certificates this week. A special well done to our Readers Of The Week too. Our children continue to demonstrate excellent reading skills and enthusiasm.

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Football Fixtures

Please see below for our football fixtures for the remainder of the season. All support is welcome.

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Friends of St Cuthbert’s Newsletter

Our latest news from our ‘Friends’ group including planned Easter discos.

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Year 1 World Book Day and Adam Bushnell Visit

We had a really good day on World Book Day. We all came dressed as a word and had a visit from Adam Bushnell. We watched a rocket ship landing on Mars and designed our own rocket ship. We then looked at the way that Alex Scheffler designed the aliens in the story The Smeds and the Smoos and drew …

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Y5 Adam Bushnell Visit

Adam Bushnell visited us in Y5 today to talk to us about the life of local saint, St. Cuthbert. We enjoyed looking at some Viking artifacts from the time period and designed our own Viking character using the artifacts as inspiration. We learnt all about St. Cuthbert’s early life and his journey to becoming a saint as well as all …

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Year 5 World Book Day

Year 5 World Book Day We had a fantastic World Book Day and some amazing ideas for dressing up as a word! We enjoyed a very lively assembly with Adam Bushnell retelling the story of the Minotaur and spent some time creating our very own Spanish mini books – La Oruga Muy Hambrienta. Can you guess the story? Mrs Parlett’s …

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Year 5 Class Worship

Year 5 Class Worship Our focus in RE for the past few weeks has been ‘memorial sacrifice’.  We have explored what makes a memory important and how memories are kept alive in our families, in our British culture and in religions.  We remembered how Jesus asked his friends at the last supper to remember His sacrifice when they shared bread …

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