
Change of Email

Change of email Staff and the office have new email addresses now that we have moved our computing system across to the Bishop Chadwick system. The new office email can be found on our contact page: and teacher email addresses can be found on class pages.

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Gold Standard Work

Great job from our Y6 pupils who achieved Gold Standard presentation this week. We’re so proud of you all for setting a great example to our younger pupils!  

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Grinton Lodge – Day 4

Today started with an orienteering activity around Grinton Lodge. We had to follow maps to help us find the locations of the stampers and fill our cards with different patterns. We worked in teams and were timed to see how quickly we could finish. The winners received a prize. This afternoon, we visited The Forbidden Corner and had a fantastic …

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Grinton Lodge Day 3

An amazingly sunny day at Grinton today.  We set off early for a challenging walk and scramble up Fremington Edge where we were rewarded with a beautiful view of Swaledale.  We are so incredibly proud of the whole group today. It was warm, very, VERY steep and our third hike of the week but every single one of the children …

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Grinton Lodge – Day 2

We have had another lovely, sunny day today. After a delicious breakfast, we headed out onto Grinton Moor. We learnt the names for some of the birds that live on the moors and found evidence of bell pits that were used in lead mining. We climbed up the hill and had a great view of the valley below. We ate …

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RE Consultation

At St Cuthbert’s, we aim to promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive programme of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education that gives children and young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives. From Summer 2021, the Department for Education made Relationships and Health Education (Primary) and Relationships Sex …

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Year 1 Team Challenge Adventure

Last week Year 1 took part in a KS1 Fun Day. We listened to the story The Secret Sky Garden and we worked together to complete a set of challenges to win flowers. Each team made their own beautiful team garden. We also got given golden flowers for extra special teamwork. We had such a great morning and we all …

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Crowning Mary

As we are in the month of May, we went over to church to crown Mary. We began by praying a decade of the Rosary, led by Father Marc, followed by singing “As I kneel before you” whilst crowning Mary. Following our visit to Church, year 6 stopped at the prayer garden with our Governor, Mrs Bell, who led us …

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Baby Ballet

In our last dance session with Sophie we looked at a different style  of dancing – ballet. We practised stretching and moving with ribbons. Thank you Sophie for teaching us lots of different ways of dancing we have had lots of fun.  

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Grinton Lodge Day 1

We have had a lovely day today. We enjoyed skipping stones in the river, watching the lambs in the fields and walking over a very wobbly bridge. We had a lovely ice cream in the village of Reeth before coming back to the lodge for tea and some outside games. We finished off the day with some geography work about …

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Dance Showcase 2023

Yesterday evening, our Dance Club Year 5 and 6 took part in the Sports Partnerships Dance Showcase at Blackhall. They did amazingly well and were a credit to our school. Well done Year 5 and 6, you have worked hard this year in Dance Club and we are so proud of you all. Also,  a big well done to Roman …

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Football News

It was our final game of the season tonight. We played at home against Seaham Trinity. The A Team played first. It was an exciting match and we dominated most of the first half. A great goal was scored by Evan and we keep the pressure up until the end of the half. We started well in the second half, …

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Football News

Our A and B Teams were playing tonight against Seaview Primary School. The B Team got things underway and played brilliantly. We scored early on but then Seaview scored to even up the game. The boys attacked relentlessly all throughout the second half but were unable to score again. An own goal looked as though it was over the line …

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Celebrating Achievement

A huge well done to Tom who has achieved his green belt in karate. Tom loves taking karate lessons and couldn’t wait to share his success with his friends.

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Making Jam Sandwiches

In Year One, we have been reading The Tiger Who Came to Tea. We have looked at the key features of instruction writing and followed a set of instructions. We made delicious jam sandwiches using instructions and ate these outside in the sun. Tomorrow, we will be writing our very own instructions of how we made our sandwiches.

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The Coronation Of King Charles III

We all had a fantastic time celebrating The Coronation on Friday. We had a picnic lunch and tried lots of different crafts and art projects. Unfortunately, the weather was not brilliant but we still managed to get into the street party mood by playing some outdoor games in the afternoon. A big thank you to the Jan and the ladies …

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Celebrating the coronation of King Charles

We had lots of fun today in school celebrating the coronation of King Charles. We came to school in red, white or blue clothes. We got a special picnic lunch and made our own crowns. Our buddies helped us to make flags that we can wave in our celebrations at the weekend.

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Achievement in Music

Well done to Poppy in Y5 who has passed her Grade One music exam. She plays the violin at a high level and her dedication to practising and learning has paid off.

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We Are The Champions!

Last night, our A Team played in the final of the Harry Page Cup. We were up against a strong side from Seaview Primary School.  The first half of the game was full of very near misses, excellent saves and lots of passing and tackling. By half time, the score was 0 – 0. The second half started with a …

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Stars Of The Week

As well as celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III today, we are also celebrating our latest Stars of the Week. A huge well done to all of the children and a special mention to our Y6 class who received a whole class certificate for their hard work and dedication leading up to their SATs.

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