
Reception Class Liturgical Prayer – Friendship

Reception class shared a wonderful liturgical prayer with us on Friday all about friendship.

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Mark 10 fun day for St.Peter and St.Paul

We enjoyed celebrating the feast of St.Peter and St.Paul. Our children took part in a liturgical prayer, took part in the assembly hosted by Mark 10 Mission and enjoyed a day of fun, painting stones to go into the prayer garden and learning more about these two amazing saints, all while raising money for the Mark 10 Mission. Thank you …

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Faith In Action Award

Year 6 have completed their Faith In Action Award and celebrated by preparing a final liturgical prayer for Mrs Balls, the chaplin from St.Bede’s who has helped them to complete their award this year, Mrs Noble and Father Marc. They were very inspired from their visit to the primary youth festival and included songs they enjoyed and it inspired them …

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Year 6 Primary Youth Festival

The theme of this year’s Youth Festival was “bold and brave” and was perfect as the messages really related to the children as they are going to be bold and brave as they move onto secondary school. There was lots of singing and dancing (photographs are hard to get when they were having so much fun) After completing some activities …

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Year 5 Stewardship

Year 5 have been exploring the idea of stewardship and how we care for all creation. We love their beautiful tree of stewardship.

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June Newsletter

Please note the diary dates for the rest of term. Please note: no classes are closed this week for industrial strike action. School is closed to pupils on Friday 7th July for a staff INSET day.

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Picnic Lunch

Our children will be enjoying a picnic lunch this week as part of Chadwick Kitchen’s themed lunches. Check out the picture below for the menu. If your child has school dinners, they will automatically have this picnic lunch. If your child has a packed lunch but would like to have the picnic lunch, please contact the school office before 3pm …

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A Team Football Treat

Our A Team finished second out of ten teams in the Seaham and District football league. They played a presentation match against St. Mary Magdalen Primary School at St.Cuthbert’s last week. It was an extremely exciting game where our team came from 2 goals down to end up winning 3-2! Goals came from Evan, Jude and Dominic. After the match, …

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Year 5 Reading

Year 5 have been enjoying the sunshine we have had lately. They decided to read outside while enjoying the lovely weather. They listened to a few chapters of their class novel, Holes before sharing some non-fiction books with friends.

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Stars Of The Week

Well done to our Stars Of The Week. You have all worked so hard. Keep up the good work as we love to celebrate the wonderful things our children do.

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Amazing Athletes!

Amazing Athletes! A huge well done to Matthew. Roman and Finley in Year 6 (who had already amazed us by getting to County level) for their amazing success as part of the Easington team at County Finals today.  Gold medal for triple jump, bronze medal for shot, 4th place for sprint and gold medal for the relay, helping the Easington …

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Year 1 Toy Donation

Year 1’s Liturgical Prayer looked at important words from God’s Promise. In God’s Promise, it says that we should share what we have especially with people who have little or nothing. We decided to donate toys and clothes to charity as part of our mission. We have donated all of our things to Barnardos in Seaham. Well done Year 1! …

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Great end to a great week!

We would like to thanks Adventure Access to a brilliant 4 days. All of our children enjoyed the activities put together and they were very supportive and encouraging making sure all children were able to access the activities and try new things. For more information about Adventure Access and what they offer, please check out their website  or their Facebook …

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Year 6 outdoor and adventurous visit – Beach School

Beach school was lots of fun! Tide was out and we were able to explore the rock pools. On day 3 we cooked marshmallows over an open fire after rock pooling and finding sea glass. Day 4 we were able to find live creatures in the rock pools and bring them back to base to look at them more closely …

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Year 6 outdoor and adventurous visit – Kayaking

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Year 6 outdoor and adventurous visit – Paddle boarding

Weather was in our favour on our last 2 days down the Marina with Adventure Access. Paddle boarding

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Year 6 outdoor and adventurous visit Day 2

Year 6 showed great resilience today and did not let the torrential rain stop them having lots of fun. Battlezone archery was great fun. Children had to work in teams to get their opponents out using real bows and arrows (with a protective covered on the tip)   Bushcraft with good fun with Libby and Paul from Adventure Access. We …

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Year 2 Maths

We have been learning all about position in maths. Yesterday we focused on left, right and between. We danced to the ‘cha cha slide’ and practised stepping left and right on the playground. Then we collected some natural materials and followed Mrs Wilkinson’s instructions to position them with a friend.  

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Year 6 outdoor and adventurous visit Day 1

Year 6 had great fun on the water canoeing, playing games and the thing they wanted to do the most in the heat – jump in! (Pictures were more tricky to get with the amount of splashing going on!)   The children were also able to take part in a caving activity. 18 metres of caving system for them to …

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Athletics Competition

Last week, some of our Y6 children took part in an athletics competition. Although it was very hot, the children still gave 100%  across 9 different track and field events. These events included; shot put, howler throw, long jump and triple jump. The track events included sprints, long distance, hurdles and relay races. Throughout the afternoon, the children had many …

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