
Year 1 and 2 Dance Club

Our Year 1 and 2 Dance Club have been working hard this term to learn a routine to Barbie Dreams. They have had so much fun learning different dance moves and the boys enjoying adding some rock and roll into the routine. Well done Year 1 and 2 we are so proud of you all and the dedication you have …

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Shorts and Shades

Last week we were lucky enough to have the sun shine for our shorts and shades day. Children were asked to make a donation towards our OPAL equipment and we are delighted to share that we raised over £150 and received some Exciting new wheeled items for the yard. Thank you to our families for your continued support. Here’s a …

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County Champions

Huge congratulations to Gary Adey and his team at Easington Sports Partnership for a phenomenal performance at the county athletics finals and bagging gold. Representatives from schools across the Easington area were selected to perform and we couldn’t be prouder to share that after placing 1st in shot put at the year 5/6 athletics competition, Jack went on to place …

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Athletics Champions

Wow! We would like to send out huge congratulations to all 32 of our children who attended the athletics competition last week at Peterlee Pavillion. The children were excellent sporting ambassadors of St Cuthberts and many placed first in their events. A little shout out to our year 1/2 girls team who placed 2nd, the year 3/4 girls team who …

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Taste Of America School Lunch

Our lovely kitchen staff are providing a special school dinner on Thursday 4th July. The theme is, Taste of America. Please see the picture below for menu choices. If your child normally has a school dinner, they will automatically be offered this choice. If your child normally has a packed lunch but would like to enjoy this, please contact the …

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Year 6 Faith in Action Award

On Monday, our Year 6 children completed their Faith in Action Award – Pin Level. Mrs Balls from St.Bede’s came to moderate, Mrs Lowery our RE governor and Mrs Noble joined us in our final Celebration of the Word in the prayer garden to finish off our award. Then back in school, Mrs Lowery and Mrs Balls had the honour …

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Y6 American Sports Festival

On Friday, children transitioning to St Bedes in September were invited to Maiden castle to attend an American Sports Festival. The children tried many new sports including: kin ball, baseball, soccer and American football. The whole day was packed with actives and the children even got a chance to visit the photo booth. A huge thank to to Easington Sports …

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Y3 Computing

Today, Y3 had a wonderful time storytelling using the coding program, Scratch. They had to choose  suitable backgrounds, select some sprites as characters and then add speech bubbles to tell the story. The challenge came when they things didn’t work how they wanted, they were using their skills and knowledge of the program to debug the code and find solutions …

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Football News

Our A Team played their final football match for St. Cuthbert’s tonight. As they finished runners up in the Seaham and District Primary Schools Football League, they played a presentation match against the winners, Ryhope Juniors. It was an excellent match filled with great shots and great saves. Ryhope went 2-0 in the first half but our boys were able …

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Year 1 Silent Disco

Year 1 had a lovely time at our silent disco last week. We had a boogie to our favourite songs and joined in with actions.

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Mini Vinnies Toiletry appeal

Thank you to all who donated toiletries (and food) for our food bank appeal. Once again we were overwhelmed by your generosity. Your donations will make a difference to so many. Our Mini Vinnies helped Margaret and David from the SVP fill their car so they could deliver your donations to Eastlea Community Centre.

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Fun at the disco!

Year 3 have enjoyed lots of fun activities this week. To complete their week of fun Sophie came into school. She had previously visited us to show us some dance moves earlier in the year. This time we could choose how we wanted to dance and what music we wanted to listen to as this activity was a silent disco. …

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Relationships and Sex Education

From Summer 2021, the Department for Education made Relationships and Health Education (Primary) and Relationships Sex Education and Health Education compulsory in all schools. Parents cannot withdraw their children from this aspect of education. The programme we use focuses on healthy relationships and keeping children safe in the modern world. It also covers a wide range of topics relating to …

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Shorts and Shades Day


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Durham music Big Sing- Reception and Year 1

Reception class and Year 1 took part in ‘The Big Sing’ from Durham Music Service this morning. The theme was mini beasts and we joined in live with lots of other schools online to sing lots of mini beast songs and rhymes. We were all very excited to see Mrs Sellars, who taught us our little fingers music sessions, on …

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An afternoon of cricket

Year 3 walked over to Seaham Park Cricket Club this afternoon to take part in an afternoon of cricket fun. We split into groups and worked around the different stations which helped us develop the different skills needed in cricket. Luckily the sun was shining and we all had lots of fun.  

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Year 6 Activity Days 3&4 – Paddleboarding, Kayaking & Beach School

Wednesday and Thursday we were down at Seaham Marina where over 2 days we had great fun learning to kayak, paddleboard and go onto the beach exploring rock pools and marine life, building shelters, exploring habitats and cooking marshmallows over a fire. (Excuse the amount of photographs it was so hard to decide, so you have them all!) Paddleboarding & …

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Year 6 Activity Day 2 – Battlezone Archery & Bushcraft

On Tuesday we were at the Barn at Easington where we were able to let our competitive side out during our games of Battlezone Archery. The children showed great technique and teamwork skills. Then it was bushcraft. We made our own banana cakes inside of a banana peel and orange cake inside of an orange skin and cooked them over …

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Playground Leaders

Yesterday, Becky from Easington Sports partnership came to deliver leadership training to 20 year 4/5 children. The children, come September, will take on their new roles as playground leaders, delivering games and supporting the children with imaginative play through OPAL. They left the session full of new ideas and keen to share them with others.  

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Y6 Activity Day 1 – Canoeing & Rock Climbing

Day 1 Monday was canoeing and rock climbing. The children loved both activities from rowing up the river at Durham and playing games on the water to scaling the climbing wall, pushing themselves a little more each time. They all showed remarkable resilience! Canoeing Rock Climbing  

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