Monday 4th May

Monday 4th May


Good morning Year 3. I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend and are now ready to start another week of home learning. I just want to remind you that learning at home is very different to school and once we get back I will go over anything you have found tricky. So don’t worry! We will get through this together.

All this week I will be giving you things to do related to VE Day. When VE Day dawns on 8th May 2020 it will be 75 years since the guns fell silent in Europe marking the end of World War II. On Friday (which is a Bank holiday) I thought it would be nice for you to have a celebration tea as well as playing games.


We will be continuing with Fractions this week so decide which colour you can manage best. Turquoise is easier than orange. Maybe you would like to try turquoise first then have a go with the orange, even if you don’t manage all the questions.

As there has been a change in what we can put on the website, White Rose sheets will be on Google Drive only. Please let me know if this is a problem.

On the Flashback 4 cards, some questions ask you to change a fraction to a decimal. We have not covered this in class yet so you can leave these questions and I will go over them once we return.

Remember to keep going with Timestable Rockstars. A few people have asked how to get on to different times table. Unfortunately you can’t move on until you are completely secure with the tables set.


Today’s maths is Equivalent fractions if you’re doing the orange sheet. If you’re doing the turquoise sheet you will be looking at non-unit fractions.



Today’s English is a reading comprehension. I thought it would be a nice introduction to VE Day.

There are two slightly different comprehensions attached. One set has 1 star and the other has 2 stars. Choose the one you can manage best. Both will give you a good understanding of what VE Day is all about.

As with the maths sheets, these can also be found on Google classroom.

Perhaps you could spend a bit of time finding out about VE Day.

Don’t forget about reading. Continue with Reading Plus as well as reading your own books. There’s also spelling shed to continue with.

Spellings this week:

Words with a short /u/ sound spelt with ‘o’


woman       shovel

wonder       above

month         govern

another       brother

Monday     discover


I thought today, you might like to do some craft. I will give you some ideas of what you can do then you can have a choice. If you wanted to try all craft activities it will probably take you a couple of afternoons.

  • Create your own poster to advertise VE Day celebrations.
  • A national holiday was declared on 8th May 1945 and red, white and blue bunting could be bought without ration coupons. Make your own bunting ready for Friday’s celebrations.
  • Why not put a ‘Make do and Mend’ twist on your bunting by using recycled fabrics or old clothes? (Make sure you get permission first)
  • Celebratory items were created in haste for the VE Day celebrations of 1945, including VE Day mugs. Design you own VE Day mug.


Finally, as you can see, I have attached quite a few sheets today. You choose the ones you can manage and leave the others.

If you have any questions, just send me a message via Google classroom.



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