Monday 30th March

Good Morning year 1 I hope you had a lovely weekend.


Here’s todays flashback 4


This week in maths we will be revisiting place value with numbers to 50.




Read the poem Roar below with your adult. Look at the verbs in each poem. What is that punctuation mark after the verb at the beginning of each line? (exclamation mark)

Make a list of your own dinosaur verbs. Keep this safe as you will need this later in the week when you make your very own dinosaur poem!

Design and Technology

Can you create and label your own dinosaur? Use any material you like, old cereal boxes, cardboard tubes, old newspapers etc.

If you don’t have these at hand maybe you could build one out of lego or draw a lovely picture of your favourite dinosaur.

As always make sure you try and get some fresh air and exercise done today. If you can’t get outside give this a try.

Have a great day year one, stay safe, I miss you all!


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