Home Learning Science Task

This week’s task is exploring changing materials.

Everything is made of stuff – scientists call that stuff material – and we can use it in different ways in our everyday lives. We can make new materials that are useful to us.

Task one (suitable for all children with adult supervision)

Make a bubble mixture yourself by mixing 50 ml washing up liquid and 300 ml water together – but be careful to do this very gently to avoid making the mixture bubbly at the start. Let the mixture rest before you use it to make bubbles.

Then the fun can begin trying out different things as bubble wands: cookie cutters, large paper clips, sieves, a colander etc. How big a bubble can you make? What colours can you see in the bubbles? How long do they last before bursting?

Send your pictures or videos directly to l.huntley@stcuthbertsprimary.com.

What other material changes can you observe around your home?

Cooking is a great example.

If you are able to cook together and look at how the ingredients change when cooking, that will be really helpful. Changes to ingredients when baking cakes or cookies in the oven are permanent changes, as this clip shows.

Making ice cubes is not a permanent change as ice cubes melt to return water again.

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