Get a Jab, Give a Jab – Article 24

What is Get a Jab, Give a Jab?

Get a Jab, Give a Jab was created by staff in the NHS and other health organisations. The campaign encourages staff to take up a free flu vaccine and in turn, NHS trusts will make a donation to Unicef UK for the equivalent number of vaccines for children around the world.

Durham County Council support the Unicef Get a Jab, Give a Jab campaign whereby for every flu vaccination that a staff member receives, the Council will donate money to Unicef to vaccinate children in some of the hardest to reach communities.

At St.Cuthbert’s, our staff have been getting vaccinated over the last few weeks, not only to protect themselves but their families and others in our school community. We would like to thank the staff at Eilbecks Chemist who have been great at fitting us in!

For more information about the get a jab, give a job scheme visit:

Take a look at some of the ways Unicef Get a Jab, Give a Jab campaign supports others:

Aïssata Barry with her child, Mariam Barry, 3 months, after receiving her dose of vaccine in the remote Kankelena village. Mopti, March 2019.

On 18 September 2013 in Somalia, a girl receives a dose of oral polio vaccine at Daalo First School.

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