Friday 24th April

Hello everyone

This is a copy of the assignment for Friday 24th April on Google Classroom. All the links and documents will open there if you have trouble here.

Thank you to those who turned in work yesterday. How did you get on? After posting your work on Wednesday evening I added the following message on Thursday morning. I’ve copied it in here in case you didn’t see it.

” An observation I’ve made this week is that the Daily lesson on BBC red button and i player are not always closely linked to the activities listed on the Bitesize pages for Y4. They are still useful however, as the ideas are Y3 or Y4 ( 7-9) areas of the curriculum. I notice today that the 7-9 programme had a section on decimals which you’ve been practising this week – great! However the Y4 Maths lesson with your activities is about negative numbers! Anyway we have no control over what the BBC decide to include so just keep doing your best!
Interestingly, I noticed that the 9-11 i player daily lesson included some teaching about negative numbers so I watched it as well as it was only 20 minutes. Maybe you could check out what’s on the 9 – 11 programme as well as the 7 -9! I know Quinlan has been trying some of the acivities with his older brother. Has anybody been watching 5- 7 or 9-11 with their family? This would mean you could all help each other!”

So how are you all today? I’d love to have a little message posted here.

How often are you updating your journal / diary? HopingI can read some of these soon, with your permission of course as its your journal!

Are you still managing to spend some time on Reading PLus? Have you seen Miss Huntleys message on the School Website? – “Year 4 have read a total of 93505 words. Can you reach 100000?” She’s set a challenge, so check this out!

Some other work suggestions for today, try your best please.

BBC Bitesize lessons
Follow the lessons on BBC Bitesize Daily. Remember you can get these on bbc i player at any time or your red button on the tv or use this link.

Then do the following English and Maths:


This is the reading lesson for this week so please try to do it. If you’ve tuned into the daily lessons you will have heard Oti reading lots of poems from Please Mrs Butler poerty anthology You’ll recognise some of them as you’ve heard them in school. Anyway follow the instructions, watch the teaching videos and try the three activities. I’ve made a Google doc for part of Activity 2 and for Activity 3 so you don’t need to print out anything, just turn it in when it’s done! I’m looking forward to reading your extra ideas for the poems! Don’t forget to set out your extra verses neatly and with the same pattern.

Friday is challenge day on Bitesize Daily! This is what they’ve said,

“We’ve partnered with White Rose Maths to create a series of challenges to test your problem solving skills. See how many you and your family can do together!

Let us know how you’re getting on @bbcbitesize and @White Rose Maths with the hashtag #BitesizeChallenge. We’ll let you know the answer on Monday.”

The challenges intended for different ages and abilities so really good if you can have a go together! No need for a worksheet here which is good!

Also try some Arithmetic to keep skillful! I’ve posted Test from Book B, C and D. Try them and let me know how you get on. Write down a couple you’re struggling with in a message and we’ll try to help you. x

At this strange time we all are seeing tremendous acts of kindness every day in the news and on social media.
I came across some documents in an email and felt compelled to share with you.
The documents provide ideas of kind acts and activities you can do at home. Hopefully in the creation of ideas you can have fun together thinking of ways to be kind. Sharing ideas and drawing inspiration from social media and the news can also help stimulate ideas. At the end of next week or in a month, you can look back at the calendar to see all you have achieved.

After all this the weekend starts! Fingers crossed for some sunny weather to enjoy our outdoor time.
Stay safe and stay positive! Keep smiling!
Have a good day
Love from Mrs Fitzpatrick

Please Mrs Butler and Excuses Activity 3
Google Docs

Excuses Activity 2
Google Docs

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