Friday 20th March

Today’s work suggestions:

Do you know what special day it is today?


It’s Saint Cuthbert’s feast day – 20th March.

Do some research and write some facts about him. In school we’ll be doing something similar.


We’ve been trying out some online reading comprehension this week and will do another exercise today. At home read The Midnight Miller text and answer the questions.


Continue to practise your times tables online or by chanting them. Ask an adult to ask you some x table facts randomly. Try to answer the questions on the Flashback 4 pages attached here.


Have a good weekend. Hope you can enjoy some ‘chill’ time.

Mrs Fitzpatrick

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  1. Thanks for the extra work.Bye

  2. Fantastic first Post Mrs Fitzpatrick.
    Love Mrs E xxx

  3. Good I like work
    Thanks Jacob

  4. Thank you for the extra work i’ll do it at home on the week end and the maths i’ll do the flash back today.

  5. thanks for the work.I love work.


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