Friday 20th March 2020

Friday 20th March 2020

Hi everyone!  Today those children who are in school are going to be helping me get things sorted ready for closing today. The grown ups in school are so sad that we have to do this but we know our government are trying to keep us safe. Please make sure you all communicate through our Google Classroom to keep in touch or email me some pictures of you doing your work to so I can share them on our website.

Remember to leave comments! If your work is on a Google Doc or Google Slides then please remember to TURN IN!

It’s also St Cuthbert’s Day today! St Cuthbert was well known for doing good things for animals. Could you make it your Lent mission today to help with a pet or even do something good for the insects in your back garden but helping clear some space or make a bug hotel?

Maths – Go on TTRockstars and have a go at logging into our new area – NUMBOTS – where you can practise some quick mental addition and subtraction.  Click here to go to the pupil page, go to Rockstars and then find the NUMBOTS button on the left.

You can also choose a Chilli Challenge for your Flashback 4. Or better still, try all 3!

English – Modal Verbs. A modal verb tells us how likely something is to happen. Go to Google Classroom to complete the work on modal verbs and help Hiccup fix his dreadful speech!

Active Time – We’re going to go for a run today in school. Can you go for a walk? Set up an activity trail in your garden or house? Could you jog on the spot? There are some active challenge cards you could try here.

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Getting Crafty – You need to be crafty here – don’t show mam!! It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday. Not many of us will be going far but it would be lovely to make mam some vouchers that she can use in the house!  How about… This voucher entitles you to half an hour’s peace while you watch TV.  Or… This voucher entitles you to breakfast in bed.  Or… this voucher entitles you to a cuddle. You could use these for ideas.

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Aaaaaaaannnnndddd…. relax! Have a lovely, safe weekend. Cuddle your mams on Mother’s Day and be safe next week. I miss you all so very much.

Mrs Parlett

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