Football News

Our A Team played a league game against St. Joseph’s tonight. It was a very exciting game full of action and chances. In the first half, our team made many shots but just couldn’t find the target. They were not downhearted and kept at the opposition until, finally, Evan found the goal to make it 1-0. The goals came thick and fast after that with Evan scoring another 3 goals and Jude scoring a cracking goal from a corner. The defense didn’t rest and were able to clear the ball and get it back into the box every time. Although Roman didn’t have much to do in goal, he still pulled off some great saves when needed. The final score was 5-0 to St. Cuthbert’s.

A special mention to Jude and Perseus who stepped up to stand in for injured players and played really well as part of the team. Dominic picked up the Player of the Match Trophy for hard work, making some great passes and runs and for taking a ball in the face and keeping going.

Well done lads, a really good game of football.

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