Dear Children

Dear Children,
How are you all? Believe it or not we should be starting our Easter holidays today!
It feels so long since we saw you so we thought we would write to let you know a few things.
Firstly, we miss you all very much! School is very quiet and all of the teachers and teaching assistants feel so lost without you there. We miss your smiling faces and we miss the laughter and excitement that you bring to St Cuthbert’s every day.
The teachers are all well and we are trying to make sure that only a few of us come in each day with the children that need to be in. These children are also being brilliant. Their parents have very important jobs at the moment and so they have to be in school and despite knowing that all the other children are at home, they have come in each day with a smile on their faces.
We hope all of you are OK. Remember to keep up with your work on google classroom but also remember that singing, drawing, dancing and exploring the garden are just as important. We have been blessed with good weather so far and at this time of year, being outside is a fabulous place to be. There will be no work on google classroom over the two weeks that should be the Easter holiday, but staff have posted some fun activities that you can do with your families!
We must mention a special group of children too. When we finally get back to school, we don’t know if we will be in time to say a proper goodbye to our wonderful Year Six class. We know that they all feel very worried about their future at St. Cuthbert’s. Rest assured Year Six, no matter what happens, we will make sure we get together at some point before you move on to pastures new.
Finally, try not to be anxious and afraid. It’s really hard being shut away from your families and friends but you are doing an amazing job. If you are worried about anything, tell an adult and let them keep that worry for you. There are lots of scary things happening on the news at the moment but try to look for the positives! Things are changing every day and maybe those changes will bring good things for the future. Maybe we will begin to see a different way of doing things from now on that will improve all of our lives.
In the meantime, all of the staff in school wish you and your families well! Each and every one of you are an important part in St. Cuthbert’s family and until we are all back together, school won’t be the same.
Take care and we will, we hope, see you soon,
Mrs Noble and Mrs Parlett

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