Year 5 News

Box Fit

Year 5 and 6 multi sports club are having a great time with John doing some Box Fit tonight!

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What Shapes Our World?

In Year 5 we’re learning about what happens when Earth’s plates move! We used some boards and playdoh to think about how our land changes over time and have written some reports based on our findings because we’re learning to write like geographers.  

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Geografun Club – Geocaching!

Today we found our first Geocache! What is Geocaching? Geocaching is a treasure hunting game, where participants retrieve GPS coordinates from the internet and navigate to the outdoor location using a GPS device (Garmin, TomTom, smart phone).The basic idea is to locate hidden outdoor containers, called geocaches and then share your experiences online. Those of us with techie kids, should have …

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Year 5 Long Multiplication

We’re getting stuck into some more tricky multiplication this term. Everyone has done brilliantly at learning the steps in our algorithms.  We’re going to keep practising ’til we can’t get them wrong!

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Year 5 Geography

We’re learning about forces that shape our amazing world this term.  This week we learned about how glaciers have caused the beautiful scenery at the Lake District. To help us understand what a contour line is, we sculpted hills out of salt dough then cut them into layers before drawing around them to demonstrate that they show height.

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Year 5 Gymnastics

Year 5 are working hard on their paired routines in gymnastics this week.  

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Year 5 – Seasonality

Year 5 have been exploring seasonality by learning to make vegetable soup. Well done to all our children for their amazing attitude to veggies and trying new tastes and textures.  

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Year 5 Class Liturgy

A beautiful liturgy in Year 5 celebrating commitment, fidelity and our mission to follow Christ.  

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Anti Bullying Competition

We launched a competition during Anti Bullying Week.  The children had to design a poster to be displayed around school.  The poster had to include the slogan ‘Change Starts With Us’, what to do if they see or experience bullying and an anti bullying message.  The competition was judged by Mrs McGann who is our Anti Bullying Governor. Here are …

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Football Festival

Well done to Year 5/6 football girls. On Thursday the girls took part in a football festival at East Durham College. It was the first time the girls had played together as a team and although they did not get through to the semi finals, they were a credit to the school.  They came second in their group winning one …

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Year 5 – William Morris

Year 5 making a start on their sketchbook work researching William Morris. Taking pride in presentation is our mantra this term and year 5 are enjoying making design and layout choices in their work.

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Halloween Disco

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Year 5 – The Lost Words

Beautiful Y5 work based on The Lost Words. Black out poetry where we chose words from the introduction to make a poem, then acrostics with metaphors. And of course… we are working on beautiful presentation because Mrs Parlett is a presentation pest!

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Football Update

Football update. There have been lots of matches over the last week. The 5 a side team came third out of ten in a tournament and made it through to the next round. The A team were in action against New Seaham Academy on Wednesday. They played brilliantly as usual. They won the game 2-1 with goals coming from William …

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Fun Friday Maths!

Year 5 have enjoyed their Fun Friday Maths today – using number lines to delve deeper into rounding and solving a tricky puzzle with some pentominoes.  They showed great resilience.

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Year 5 – Heritage Walk

Year 5 enjoyed their heritage walk on Friday, learning about some of the buildings we can still find from the past and how and why the Londonderry family developed the harbour and coal mines.

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Year 5 Sketchbooks

Year 5 spent some time this afternoon sketching examples from the wonderful book The Lost Words in the style of Jackie Morris. We have some real talent in our class!

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Year 5 – Seaham Grange Farm

Did you know we rely on a farmer every five minutes throughout our lives? Do you know which crops are grown just along the road from our school and what they are used to make? Well, Year 5 do! We had a brilliant afternoon at Seaham Grange Farm learning all about crops grown in our local area and what products …

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Netball Success!

On Tuesday we went to a netball competition in peterlee at Dene School.  We played Easington Colliery and Ribbon School who were all very good.  We played as a team really well and won with an overall score of 15 points.  We had to keep swapping positions so we could all have a game without anyone being left out. Every …

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Skipping School 2019

Gail from skipping school came in as part of our active week this week. She worked with all classes and trained some of our KS2 children to be playground leaders. Our skills are absolutely amazing!

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