Year 5 News

Year 5 workshop with Adam Bushnell

Today we worked with Adam Bushnell to create and describe a witchy character after exploring the local legend of Peg Powler, the grindylow who hides in the River Tees.  We read a description of the witch’s cottage and then created our own character using natural resources in our school grounds for inspiration – including mud!! We wrote some descriptive words …

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Swimming Gala

Today, some of our Year 5 and 6 children represented our school in the Swimming Gala hosted by Easington Sports Partnership at Peterlee Leisure Centre. We had a fantastic morning competing in races using different swimming strokes. We won some of the heats and came 5th overall. Well done to all of the children that attended, they showed excellent sporting …

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Gymnastics Stars!

Wow! Congratulations to our amazing gymnastics stars!  Gold medals for our Y1/2 A team and Y5/6 A team and silver medals for our Y3/4 A team. Our Y3/4 B Team just missed out on medals but came third. Well done to our brilliant Y5 second place champ who will now go through to County Finals!  A huge well done to …

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Boccia Competition

Today, some of our Y5 and Y6 pupils went to a Boccia competition. Both teams did extremely well and had a fabulous time. Well done on representing the school brilliantly.

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Year 5 Maths

Year 5 have enjoyed problem solving using multiplicative reasoning. It sounds really complicated but it means using our understanding of multiplication to solve real life problems.  

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COVID information January 2022

Government guidelines on isolation change on Monday 17th January. Please see the most up to day guidelines below.   If you have any questions about a specific case out of school hours, please contact Mrs Noble or Mrs Parlett: Latest COVID updates from government Information for Parents and Carers from Department for Education

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Back to School

Happy New Year to all our children and families! We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school tomorrow and beginning our spring term. Amid the increasing numbers of COVID cases, we would like to reassure you that we will continue to follow Local Authority, Trust and governmental guidance and will continually assess the ever-changing situation. At St. …

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Author Visit

Last week, Key Stage 2 were visited by local author and artist Kylie Dixon. The children listened to a book reading of Kylie’s new book and were shown how to draw some of the characters that appear in the story. Kylie also brought some of her artwork to show the children different techniques with different media. She shared some great …

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Violin Concert 2021

Alternative Link to Video

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Y5 Science – Earth and Beyond!

Y5 have been learning about Earth and Space. The different topics included learning about the planets in our solar system, the movement of Earth in relation to the Sun, how we have night and day and the phases of the Moon. We learned the order of the planets and enjoyed finding out some interesting information about each one. We tried …

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Mini Vinnie’s Advent Appeal

As you may have seen recently, many refugees have been uprooted and relocated from Afghanistan to the North East of England. The SVP society at St Cuthbert’s House are collecting donations for these families. Our Mini Vinnies group in school are appealing for toiletries, games, toys, scarves, hats and gloves for adults and children.  Mrs Strong and our Mini Vinnies children …

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Parent Telephone Calls

Instead of parent meetings in school, we will be phoning parents for an update this term. Please click on the link below for your child’s class and select the time slot you would like.  PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF THE TIME YOU SELECT WHEN YOU SELECT IT. Office staff do not have access to these forms so will be unable …

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Sportshall Athletics

We are so proud of our Y5 and Y6 pupils who have represented our school at the sportshall athletics today. The children took part in track and field events and came 4th overall which is a fantastic achievement. Well done!   Here are some action shots caught on camera by Miss Scarr!

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Remembrance Day 2021

Year 5 and Year 6 visited Seaham Park Cenotaph today to take part in a liturgy before observing a 2 minutes silence, remembering the significance of today. They reflected on the soldiers in WW1 who lost their lives as well as reflecting on service men and women who have since fought bravely and gave their lives for our country. We …

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From Plot to Pot (part 2)

After all that hard work harvesting earlier in the week, we cleaned and prepared our vegetables and added them to some soup (after having a little taste of course!)  We tried it both smooth and blended – well done to everyone who had a try. Some of us even surprised ourselves and loved it! Article 29: We have the right …

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From plot to pot

From Plot to Pot Year 5 loved getting into the allotment today. We cleared some weeds and had a tidy but more impressively, we have harvested leeks, potatoes, chives, blackberries, beans and lavender. A big thank you to Kath for coming to help us! We’re going to dry the lavender ready for some Christmas crafts and we’re really looking forward …

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Football Fixtures

Please see the football fixtures for the A and B team for this half of the season.  After the October half term, matches are not played as it is too dark after school. The second half of the season begins after February half term. These fixtures will be made at a later date.

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Year 5 Poetry

In our first English work this term, we have been thinking about poetry. We have enjoyed reading The Lost Words and have learned about metaphors and similes.  To help us prepare for a piece of poetry writing, we have been exploring our school grounds and looking for autumnal colours.  It’s been lovely to make the most of the warm weather, …

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Year 5 – This is Me!

We are thinking this half term about the things that make us unique – our talents and qualities. We’re thankful that God made us and loves us just exactly the way we are. We drew some zentangles then cut them up to make some unique pieces of art that shout out about the things that make us US!

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Whole School Assembly

How lovely to be all back together this week for whole school assemblies!

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