Year 5 News

Art Club: Tribute to HRH Queen Elizabeth II

Thank You, Your Majesty: Art Club Tribute to HRH Queen Elizabeth II Our Year 5 and 6 art club spent their first session creating some stunning portraits of our late queen to display in our entrance way along with some of the prayers of our children. Article 15: We have the right to join groups Article 29: Education should develop …

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House Points Winners

House Point Winners – George House Group! Well done to George House Group who earned the most points overall for their amazing behaviour around school this half term. As it was such a hot day on Tuesday, we decided to have some fun in the shade and cool down!  

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KS2 Violin and Guitar Concert

Well done to our KS2 violinists and guitarists. What a lovely performance from you all. It was great to welcome our parents back into school too. Year 3 have come to the end of our First Access to violins and they were absolutely amazing. They now have the opportunity to continue their learning with Mrs Sellers in Year 4, 5 …

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Cricket Champions!

Cricket Champions! A big well done to our A and B teams in cricket today. They represented school brilliantly at Seaham Park today and A team were overall winners. Thank you so much to the Sports Partnership staff for organising another great event, to Miss Scarr for taking our teams and to the families who came along to support us.

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Year 5 Residential – Thursday

Year 5 Residential – Thursday Our last full day here and we’ve had another lovely warm day.  This morning we tested our map reading skills on an orienteering race around the grounds before enjoying an afternoon exploring The Forbidden Corner.  Some fun and games, larking about in the beck, a quiz and some bingo tonight.  A lot of sleepy children …

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Year 5 Residential: Tuesday

Year 5 Residential: Tuesday Another lovely sunny day and most of us made it around our long walk with smiles… most of us! There were some tired children by teatime. Today we found out all about the moors and how they were once used for lead mining. Can you spot us in the old lead mine and chimney?  These days …

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Year 5 Residential: Monday

Year 5 Residential: Monday A lovely, sunny first day exploring the countryside and the nearby village of Reeth.  Everyone is settled into their rooms and enjoying themselves!

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Year 5 Residential – arrival

Year 5 Residential: We Have Arrived! We have arrived safely and are enjoying our first walk to the nearby village of Reeth. Lovely blue skies, a bit of plodging and stone throwing and then we will get a well deserved ice-cream when we reach the village. Signal permitting, we will share some more pictures this evening.

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Girls Cricket Competition

The Y5 and Y6 girls cricket competition took place at Castle Eden Cricket Club yesterday. The girls worked brilliantly as a team and showed excellent sporting values. After winning lots of their matches, the team made it to the final and came second overall. We are very proud of their achievement.

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Crowning Mary

This morning we all went to church to crown Mary. We have been learning that May is the month of Mary. Our First Holy Communion children have been leading the rosary at parish mass each Saturday afternoon and today they led us in a decade of the Rosary before we crowned Mary. Well done also to our graceful dancers who …

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Summer After School Clubs

Summer After School Clubs Loading…

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Getting ready for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Jubilee Ready! We have been getting ourselves ready for our Jubilee celebrations after half term with some art to make our new entrance feel patriotic and party-ready! Thank you to all our classes for your beautiful portraits and drawings.

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Dance Club Showcase

On Thursday 19th May our Dance Club took part in the Sports Partnership Dance Showcase at Blackhall Community Centre where selected schools had been chosen to showcase their dances. Our Dance Club did such a wonderful performance again. We are so proud of what they have achieved, having the courage to get up on stage in front of over 250 …

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Dance Festival Video

Click the link to see the Year 4,5 and 6 Dance Festival performance. Dance Festival Video

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Dance Festival

Last week, Dance Club took part in the Sports Partnerships Dance Festival. Our children had a chance to show other schools what they had been working on over the year. Our Dance Club was made up of children from years 4, 5 and 6 and they have all worked really hard especially as they were not always able to be …

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Parent Appointments

Parent Appointments We will be holding face to face parent appointments after the Easter holiday on Thursday 28th April. If you would like to make an appointment, please select your child’s class below and complete the attached form. Please make a note of the time you select as this will not be sent out to you separately. Reception Class Year …

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Grown ups were treated to a demonstration from the after school fencing club tonight. Children got to show off all of the skills and tactics they had learnt in the last 5 weeks and even compete with the electrical equipment used in proper competitions. It was fabulous to see how much all of the children had grown and developed since …

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Year 5 Science – Plant Reproduction

Year 5 Science – Plant Reproduction In Year 5 we have been learning about how flowering plants reproduce with pollen and eggs and how some plants also create clones of themselves using runners, tubers and bulbs. It was lovely to plant some things to improve our school environment. Thank you to Mrs Parlett’s mam, Kath, who came in and showed …

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Ukraine Appeal

A big thank you to all of our families who have been so generous in their donations this week for our Ukraine appeal – as you can see we collected a lot in a very short space of time. Mrs Kharko and some of our children sorted everything and it was collected on Friday. As a Rights Respecting School we …

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Fencing After School Club

Some children in Y5 and Y6 enjoyed their first experience of fencing yesterday. The qualified coach showed them a range of skills and they were able to try them out while wearing the protective clothing. They learnt the names of the swords and even had a try of using them. We look forward to see what the coming weeks will …

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