Year 5 News

Autumn Term Clubs

Autumn Term Clubs – Half Term 1 We have several clubs running this half term. Please follow the link if you would like to book a place for your child. Please note that places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Different clubs will be on offer throughout the year. MONDAY:  Year 1 & 2 Gymnastics Club …

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PE Days

PE days beginning from Monday 11th September.

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Y5 Pretzel Making

Y5 Pretzel Making Year 5 enjoyed their DT topic before half term where they learned about the Pretzel Story, how bread rises using yeast, about altering flavours and most importantly making our very own pretzels. A huge thank you to Jan in the kitchen for helping us with this! We are following this up with a careers webinar with a …

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Year 5 Debating Skills

This week in Year 5 we have been learning how to debate, even when we don’t fully agree with a viewpoint. So far, we have discussed whether teenagers should be sent to prison linking to our new class text ‘Holes’, we have debated whether Sundays should be kept as a day of rest linking to our Freedom & Responsibility topic …

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Grinton Lodge – Day 4

Today started with an orienteering activity around Grinton Lodge. We had to follow maps to help us find the locations of the stampers and fill our cards with different patterns. We worked in teams and were timed to see how quickly we could finish. The winners received a prize. This afternoon, we visited The Forbidden Corner and had a fantastic …

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Grinton Lodge Day 3

An amazingly sunny day at Grinton today.  We set off early for a challenging walk and scramble up Fremington Edge where we were rewarded with a beautiful view of Swaledale.  We are so incredibly proud of the whole group today. It was warm, very, VERY steep and our third hike of the week but every single one of the children …

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Dance Showcase 2023

Yesterday evening, our Dance Club Year 5 and 6 took part in the Sports Partnerships Dance Showcase at Blackhall. They did amazingly well and were a credit to our school. Well done Year 5 and 6, you have worked hard this year in Dance Club and we are so proud of you all. Also,  a big well done to Roman …

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Y5 Coronation Art

Our Y5 pupils have learned about the artefacts, images and symbols that we see in the coronation ceremony and in royal portraits and seals. Some of the items we see at the coronation have been used in coronation ceremonies for hundreds and hundreds of years. We were amazed! We learned about royal portraits and how symbols, facial expressions and colours …

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Year 5 Tennis Stars

Anyone for Tennis? Our Y5 pupils are enjoying playing tennis this half term – especially on the rare days we get some sunshine! Coach Dean has been helping us develop our skills and play some competitive games.

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Year 5 Liturgical Prayer

Year 5 shared their wonderful Eastertide Liturgical prayer with us on Friday with a great retell of the story of the three trees.

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Gold Standard Superstars

Gold Standard Superstars A big well done to the children who achieved 3 Gold Standard pieces of work this week.  They visited Mrs Parlett and Mrs Noble’s stationery ‘tuck shop’ for a little treat. We have been using a new handwriting scheme in school and are aiming high for amazing presentation in all our work – you can see our …

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Friends of St Cuthbert’s Newsletter

Our latest news from our ‘Friends’ group including planned Easter discos.

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Year 5 World Book Day

Year 5 World Book Day We had a fantastic World Book Day and some amazing ideas for dressing up as a word! We enjoyed a very lively assembly with Adam Bushnell retelling the story of the Minotaur and spent some time creating our very own Spanish mini books – La Oruga Muy Hambrienta. Can you guess the story? Mrs Parlett’s …

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Year 5 Class Worship

Year 5 Class Worship Our focus in RE for the past few weeks has been ‘memorial sacrifice’.  We have explored what makes a memory important and how memories are kept alive in our families, in our British culture and in religions.  We remembered how Jesus asked his friends at the last supper to remember His sacrifice when they shared bread …

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Year 5 Summarising Skills

Year 5 Summarising Skills Our next history focus in Year 5 is ‘Changes in Britain after 1750’, especially changes in Seaham. Our first lesson used our summarising skills, which we practise in English lessons. Each group was given an important change that happened during the Industrial Revolution and we had to create a mime that summarised the important pieces of …

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Y5 Spellings

Please see below for the complete spelling lists for Y5 this half term. Children will work on a different spelling pattern each week and complete a spelling test on a Friday. Children have all been given a paper copy of the spellings and a copy has been text out to parents.

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Gymnastics Stars

Gymnastics Stars A big well done to our 6 gymnastics teams, 2 individual competitors and 2 creative gymnasts who took part in this morning’s Key Steps competition and this afternoon’s gymnastics festival.  We are all so proud of your teamwork, your effort in learning routines and how well you supported one another. It has been lovely to hear feedback from …

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Step Up To The Plate

Step Up To The Plate Our brilliant Year 5 children learned all about global food poverty as part of some work about natural resources in geography. Using the CAFOD campaign for inspiration as well as Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti message, we thought about how imbalanced our food systems are where so much is wasted but 1 in 10 people go …

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We All Fit Together

We have been learning about Unity and Diversity as part of our work in RE.  We are all different but we fit together to make one amazing class! Have a go at our class jigsaw below by clicking the photo. 12PHOTO-2022-10-10-19-15-54 6 Pope Francis has asked all Christians to recognise that we are ‘brothers and sisters all’ – this is …

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Accessing Google Classroom at home

Accessing Google Classroom at home We have had some families unsure about how to access Google Classroom at home. Please see the following guide for accessing from a laptop / computer. Google Classroom is also available to download as an app on Apple and Android tablets and phones.  

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