Year 4 News


26.03.2020 Communications regarding Key Workers for schools to share with parents: Dear Parents, As the situation with coronavirus continues to develop we are asking you to carefully consider whether or not your child needs to be in school. We appreciate that the central government guidance around what constitutes a key worker is quite broad, however we would like to remind …

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Parents Guide to Cyber Safety

With schools now being officially shut because of the COVID-19 outbreak, it is likely that there will be an increase of internet use for families and children over the coming weeks. With that in mind, here are some great tips for parents on setting up the right controls and privacy settings to ensure their child stays safe online. You can …

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Home Learning This Week

Thank you to everyone who sent in photos.

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A letter to our wonderful pupils

I know some of you are a bit worried. Today has been a bit of a sad day as we close the school for a little while. We have asked you to stay away from the school you love and all of your friends. Use this as a time to relax and refresh. We would like you to do some …

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Key Worker Information Sheet

If you think you are a key worker, please fill in the attached sheet and email to school or return to school tomorrow. We need to know what both parents do as the expectation is that childcare is shared. Thank you Click here to download form.  

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Free online apps during school closure

St Cuthberts Pupil Page Kids Classroom Secrets Phonics Play Numbots Times Table Rockstars Google SketchUp Top Marks Scratch Purple Mash Maths Whizz Spelling Shed Google Classroom Activity Village Literacy With The Littles Khan Academy Kids Go Noodle iPad App Classroom Cereal Indoor Activities

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Tuesday Challenge Submissions

Here are your challenge submissions so far today. Keep them coming and check back here later for more updates!  

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Whole School Tuesday Challenge

We’re so sorry that we won’t be seeing you all on Tuesday morning and we know lots of you will be looking forward to seeing your friends so we would like to set you a challenge that you will be able to share on our website.  At our school, being healthy and active every day is really important. In fact, …

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Using Google Classroom

Mrs Parlett has created 3 instructional videos explaining how we use google classroom in school and how your child can access this from home: Accessing Google Classroom via computer: Accessing Google Classroom via mobile devices: Using Google Classroom: Mr Graham is always available for technical help via email too:

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Y4 World Book Day

Y4 had a wonderful time on World Book Day. We worked with the author Adam Bushnell to create our own poems based on an extract from William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. We also wrote some spells to turn us into different animals and had to guess the animal it would turn us into. We shared our work with the class and in groups. …

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Parent Information from Parents Meeting

Useful Websites we use in class: Times Table Test Times Table Rockstars Hit The Button The School Run Maths Whizz Pupil Page  

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Melting Chocolate

During our science lesson today, we were learning to use a thermometer accurately. We conducted an experiment. We used three tubs, water, chocolate, trays, thermometers and a stopwatch. We measured out 200ml of water into  each of the three tubs. We checked the temperatures of the water. The temperature of tub one was 50 degrees celsius, tub 2 was 21 …

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Pizza Making

Before half term, Y4 enjoyed making pizzas as part of their Design Technology lessons. They made the dough from scratch, rolled it out and shaped it and chose their own toppings. Everyone enjoyed getting very messy but the best part was eating the pizza! Thank you to everyone who supplied ingredients and to our parent helpers. re

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Y4 Community

As part of our Community topic in RE, we have been thinking about what makes a good community. We decided things like sharing, turn taking, team work and socialising were among the things that are important in any community. To follow up on this, we brought our toys and games to school to share with others. We had a fantastic …

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Monday Art Club

This week in Art Club we have been looking at Valentines Day as a theme.  We are working on making Valentine’s garlands with our family photos to show how much we love and care for each other.

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Y4 Maths

Y4 have been investigating triangles and quadrilaterals in their maths lessons recently. We were learning about the different types of triangles and their properties and made them in various ways. We used straws, sticks, geoboards and even completed some art work based on Sierpinski Gasket. We drew upside down equilateral triangles repeatedly to make a design. The finished designs were …

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Y4 trip to St. Bede’s

Y4 went to St. Bede’s school to take part in a science lesson. Their task was to measure the voltage created by adding different metals to citrus fruits.

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Year 4 – Christmas 2019

Year 4 would just like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.  We have enjoyed preparing for Christmas in Year 4.  Mrs Fitzpatrick, Mrs Eadsforth and Mrs Donnelly would like to thank everyone for their wonderful gifts and wish you all a Happy New Year!

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Y4 prepare for Christmas

Y4 have been getting the classroom ready for Christmas this week. We have put our Advent Wreath on display, decorated our Christmas tree, set up the crib and arranged some Christmas books for all to share. We are also taking turns to open a door on our Advent calendar and read out a prayer or suggestion of something we can …

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Anti Bullying Competition

We launched a competition during Anti Bullying Week.  The children had to design a poster to be displayed around school.  The poster had to include the slogan ‘Change Starts With Us’, what to do if they see or experience bullying and an anti bullying message.  The competition was judged by Mrs McGann who is our Anti Bullying Governor. Here are …

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