Year 4 News

Parent Telephone Calls

Instead of parent meetings in school, we will be phoning parents for an update this term. Please click on the link below for your child’s class and select the time slot you would like.  PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF THE TIME YOU SELECT WHEN YOU SELECT IT. Office staff do not have access to these forms so will be unable …

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Year 3 & 4 art club

In Tuesday’s club, we explored LINE. How can we create different lines? Thin or thick? Straight or wavy or spiky? Solid or dotted or dashed?  We enjoyed creating these autumnal zentangles with sharpies then filling them with watercolour to make them look more 3D.

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Y4 Biscuit Baking

Our Y4 children have been baking biscuits again this afternoon. They were able to weigh out ingredients, prepare and roll out the dough and then cut and shape their biscuits. They added some delicious chocolate chips to the mixture too. The biscuits smelled beautiful while they were baking and will be cooled and wrapped for the children to collect in …

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On Monday, Y4 began their cookery DT topic with some biscuit tasting. We discussed the different tastes, textures, ingredients and packaging that the biscuits came in. The first group had the opportunity to make some biscuits. They did very well with weighing and measuring ingredients, using techniques such as the rubbing method and the creaming method and cutting their shapes. …

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Whole School Assembly

How lovely to be all back together this week for whole school assemblies!

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September 2021 Newsletter

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PE Days Autumn 2021

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Return To School Information September 2021

Return To School Information September 2021 When we return to school in September, many of the COVID restrictions we have been working under since March 2020 will be removed, however schools still need to bear in mind that local are restrictions may be put in place. The policies below have been updated in light of these changes and include daily …

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Year 3 Violins – Durham Big Sing

Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5

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The Masked Reader

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Important Information – Returning to School

Please read all documents below:   Newsletter – March 2021 Parents Letter from County Risk Assessment for Parents Holidays 2021-2022 Behaviour Addendum

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Mrs Parlett & Mr Graham’s Family Quiz


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Internet Safety Day Resources

DigiDucks Famous Friend – EYFS Story Chicken Clickin – KS1 Story Oscars Adventure – KS2 Story Mr Graham’s E-Safety Quiz Gaming – Staying Safe Online lesson Rights Respecting Assembly

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Information for families who are remote learning

Please follow the link to a video which explains how our remote learning for Y1-Y6 pupils is organised and has some visuals that will help explain how and why we do things as well as how you can access and share your child’s work. EYFS parents have received separate information about tapestry for our Reception Class pupils. You can …

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A Special Christmas Liturgy

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Year 4 – Wayne Thiebaud

Year 4 have been learning about the artist Wayne Thiebaud and have looked at his drawings of cakes and sweets. We chose either a cake, donut or stick of rock to make with mod roc and then decorated it with paint. The class really enjoyed making these and were really pleased with how they turned out.

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A Guide to Social Media Apps and Age Ratings

Social Media is one of the most popular aspects of the internet, and with the amount of apps available for download increasing constantly, keeping young people safe online has never been more important. But what exactly do we need to know about the age restrictions and safety on these apps in terms of internet safety? We answer some of your …

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Year 4 – Gymnastics

We’re developing our sequences in the gymnastics lesson. Balances are definitely improving!

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Food Bank Donations – Article 27

October 17 was the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, so right now is a great time to explore Article 27. During the pandemic child poverty has increased by 15% globally, with almost 1.2 million children worldwide living below the poverty line – 4 million of these children live in the UK. Leading up to this important day in …

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Year 4 – National Poetry Day

Last Thursday was National Poetry Day and we celebrated by listening to, reading, writing and sharing some of our favourites!   

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