Year 4 News

KS2 Violin and Guitar Concert

Well done to our KS2 violinists and guitarists. What a lovely performance from you all. It was great to welcome our parents back into school too. Year 3 have come to the end of our First Access to violins and they were absolutely amazing. They now have the opportunity to continue their learning with Mrs Sellers in Year 4, 5 …

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Y4 Coast Visit

Yesterday, Y4 visited Seaham beach to study the effects of erosion for their geography topic of Coasts. We looked at the erosion of the cliff faces and conducted an experiment by rubbing sandstone against rocks and seeing the erosion happen. Although the weather wasn’t kind to us, we still enjoyed an ice cream and a visit to the park on …

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Y4 Yarn Bombing

As part of our Installation Art topic, Y4 had a go at yarn bombing today. Yarn bombing is a form of street art where people decorate objects in public places using yarn or fabric. The idea is that it can brighten up our surroundings. Firstly, we went outside to sketch places and objects we thought we could decorate with yarn. …

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Crowning Mary

This morning we all went to church to crown Mary. We have been learning that May is the month of Mary. Our First Holy Communion children have been leading the rosary at parish mass each Saturday afternoon and today they led us in a decade of the Rosary before we crowned Mary. Well done also to our graceful dancers who …

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Summer After School Clubs

Summer After School Clubs Loading…

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Dance Club Showcase

On Thursday 19th May our Dance Club took part in the Sports Partnership Dance Showcase at Blackhall Community Centre where selected schools had been chosen to showcase their dances. Our Dance Club did such a wonderful performance again. We are so proud of what they have achieved, having the courage to get up on stage in front of over 250 …

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Tennis Festival

Y4 were given the opportunity to attend a tennis festival. Four children took part in a competition against other schools playing actual tennis matches. Ten children had a go at some skills to try to beat their own scores as they challenged themselves. The skills included throwing things at targets, passing a tennis ball around a circle using only the …

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Y4 Combat Survival

Last week, Y4 took part in a combat survival adventure day provided by Team Challenge Adventures. They had to work in teams to solve problems and win soldiers for their armies to help rescue The General. The day was filled with lots of different activities including; speed and accuracy, team work, problem solving, and logic puzzles. Everyone joined in to …

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Dance Festival Video

Click the link to see the Year 4,5 and 6 Dance Festival performance. Dance Festival Video

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Dance Festival

Last week, Dance Club took part in the Sports Partnerships Dance Festival. Our children had a chance to show other schools what they had been working on over the year. Our Dance Club was made up of children from years 4, 5 and 6 and they have all worked really hard especially as they were not always able to be …

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Parent Appointments

Parent Appointments We will be holding face to face parent appointments after the Easter holiday on Thursday 28th April. If you would like to make an appointment, please select your child’s class below and complete the attached form. Please make a note of the time you select as this will not be sent out to you separately. Reception Class Year …

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Ukraine Appeal

A big thank you to all of our families who have been so generous in their donations this week for our Ukraine appeal – as you can see we collected a lot in a very short space of time. Mrs Kharko and some of our children sorted everything and it was collected on Friday. As a Rights Respecting School we …

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Y4 Roman Projects

As homework, Y4 were asked to complete a project about The Romans. They could present this in any way they wanted and they did not disappoint! We had models, swords, shields, posters, information booklets and even a Colosseum! The children presented their projects to the class then enjoyed exploring and discovering each other’s work.

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Gymnastics Stars!

Wow! Congratulations to our amazing gymnastics stars!  Gold medals for our Y1/2 A team and Y5/6 A team and silver medals for our Y3/4 A team. Our Y3/4 B Team just missed out on medals but came third. Well done to our brilliant Y5 second place champ who will now go through to County Finals!  A huge well done to …

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COVID information January 2022

Government guidelines on isolation change on Monday 17th January. Please see the most up to day guidelines below.   If you have any questions about a specific case out of school hours, please contact Mrs Noble or Mrs Parlett: [gview file=””] Latest COVID updates from government Information for Parents and Carers from Department for Education

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Back to School

Happy New Year to all our children and families! We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school tomorrow and beginning our spring term. Amid the increasing numbers of COVID cases, we would like to reassure you that we will continue to follow Local Authority, Trust and governmental guidance and will continually assess the ever-changing situation. At St. …

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Author Visit

Last week, Key Stage 2 were visited by local author and artist Kylie Dixon. The children listened to a book reading of Kylie’s new book and were shown how to draw some of the characters that appear in the story. Kylie also brought some of her artwork to show the children different techniques with different media. She shared some great …

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Y4 Theatre Trip

Last week, Year 4 visited the Sunderland Empire theatre to see The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. They have been reading the book and exploring The Chronicles of Narnia in their English lessons this term. The performance was amazing and everyone enjoyed the experience.

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Violin Concert 2021

Alternative Link to Video

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Mini Vinnie’s Advent Appeal

As you may have seen recently, many refugees have been uprooted and relocated from Afghanistan to the North East of England. The SVP society at St Cuthbert’s House are collecting donations for these families. Our Mini Vinnies group in school are appealing for toiletries, games, toys, scarves, hats and gloves for adults and children.  Mrs Strong and our Mini Vinnies children …

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