Year 4 News

Clubs – Autumn Half Term 2

Please see our clubs page for a link to the clubs we are offering for the second half of Autumn Term.

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Autumn Term Clubs

Autumn Term Clubs – Half Term 1 We have several clubs running this half term. Please follow the link if you would like to book a place for your child. Please note that places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Different clubs will be on offer throughout the year. MONDAY:  Year 1 & 2 Gymnastics Club …

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PE Days

PE days beginning from Monday 11th September.

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Year 4 Class Liturgical Prayer

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First Holy Communions 2023


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Dance Club Year 3 & 4

Our Year 3 and 4 Dance Club have been working so hard on their performance of From Now On from the Greatest Showman. They enjoyed dressing up in circus theme and performing at the Festival. This was also the first year we were able to invite parents back into school to watch. It was lovely to have you there supporting …

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Year 4 Liturgical Prayer

Year 4 class Liturgical prayer about reconcilaiton

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Friends of St Cuthbert’s Newsletter

Our latest news from our ‘Friends’ group including planned Easter discos. [gview file=””]

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Year 4 – Youth Village Retreat

What an amazing few days Year 4 had on our residential at the Youth Village with the Youth Ministry Team! The theme of the retreat was the adventures of St Paul. The children learned that you can always have a change of heart and we are all unique with our special gifts and talents. The children especially loved the escape …

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Gymnastics Stars

Gymnastics Stars A big well done to our 6 gymnastics teams, 2 individual competitors and 2 creative gymnasts who took part in this morning’s Key Steps competition and this afternoon’s gymnastics festival.  We are all so proud of your teamwork, your effort in learning routines and how well you supported one another. It has been lovely to hear feedback from …

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Accessing Google Classroom at home

Accessing Google Classroom at home We have had some families unsure about how to access Google Classroom at home. Please see the following guide for accessing from a laptop / computer. Google Classroom is also available to download as an app on Apple and Android tablets and phones. [gview file=””]  

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Year 4 Home Learning – 1st February 2023

Year 4 Home Learning – 1st February 2023 Children can access and turn in homework using Google Classroom. The instructions for accessing this at home are at the bottom of this page. There is a video link below for maths to alongside a worksheet on Roman Numerals. In English, there is a book review for children to complete. Please also …

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Year 4 Festive Run!

We had a brilliant time keeping active with Candy Cane and his elves from the Easington School Sports Partnership!  Thank you to the staff and fantastic sports leaders from Seaham High School who came to make sure we all had lots of fun!

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Come & Join Our Friends Group!

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Year 4 – visit from Father Marc

Father Marc visited Year 4 last week to help them learn about the funeral process. They explored signs and symbols and significant events involved in the funeral process. Year 4 enjoyed asking Father Marc questions and reflecting on their own experience of loss.  

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A million children pray the Rosary

As a school on Tuesday 18th,  we took part in the “million children pray the rosary” campaign for peace and unity in the world. Deacon Peter visited Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and explained what the rosary was and why we pray it. Then together they recited the Hail Mary, Our Father and Glory Be together. At 11am Year …

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Year 4 Class Liturgical Prayer

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Cross Country Success!

Well Done! A huge well done to our Cross Country teams yesterday! They ran like the wind and we are so proud of them all – especially when running up the hill! We have had our best results in a long time with our Y1/2 girls placing second and super fast Ada coming first!  Year 3/4 girls also came second …

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Year 4 Class Liturgical Prayer

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House Points Winners

House Point Winners – George House Group! Well done to George House Group who earned the most points overall for their amazing behaviour around school this half term. As it was such a hot day on Tuesday, we decided to have some fun in the shade and cool down!  

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