Year 4 News

Living life as an Ancient Greek

Today a special visitor from Ancient Greece arrived. Adam the Ancient Greek set us lots of different activities. We found out about the life of a hoplite soldier and about the relationship between the Athenians and the Spartans. The Battle Formations and Tactics session was the highlight of the day, where the children got their very own spear and shield …

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Fun in the colour run

Year 4 had lots of fun in their colour run and helped raised lots of money for our school. Well done everyone and a big thank you to the Sports Partnership for organising another fun event.        

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Gardening Club

Tonight was the first gardening club for year 3 and 4. It was a lovely afternoon. We were in our prayer garden, weeding, gathering up leaves, moving mini-beasts we came across to somewhere safe and planted daffodil and tulip bulbs in the pots. We finished by giving the pots a water and tidying up. By spring, we will see how …

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Clubs – Autumn Term 1

AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS We have some after school clubs on offer this half term. You can sign children up for these on our clubs page: Click Here

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Relationships and Sex Education

From Summer 2021, the Department for Education made Relationships and Health Education (Primary) and Relationships Sex Education and Health Education compulsory in all schools. Parents cannot withdraw their children from this aspect of education. The programme we use focuses on healthy relationships and keeping children safe in the modern world. It also covers a wide range of topics relating to …

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Bishop Stephen’s Visitation

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Summer Term Dates

You can download a copy of our summer dates here. Please keep them handy – we have lots going on! [gview file=””]

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Maths Rockstar Day

Maths Rockstar Day We will be holding a Maths Rockstars Day on Thursday 2nd May and inviting all our pupils and staff to dress as rockstars for the day while we have some maths fun.  Please see the letter below for details and the video explaining our TTRockstars programme for pupils from Y2 to Y6. [gview file=””]  

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PE Timetable Summer 2024

PE Timetable from April until May half term   

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Dance Festival 2024

Today our children from Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 Dance Club took part in the Sports Partnerships Dance Festival at Murton Glebe Centre. This was a chance to show other schools what they have been working so hard on over this year. We are all extremely proud of you! You have all shown great commitment to Dance Club and …

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Cross Country County Finals

Wow! What a day for Lyra (y4) and Ava (y6). After qualifying back in October for County Finals, the girls both went on Friday to represent the Easington District in cross country. The girls have done us proud finishing in the top 20 in the county! Ava placed 9th overall and Lyra placed 18th overall. Amazing achievements for both girls. …

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Colour Run & BIG Walk for Lent

[gview file=””] [gview file=””]

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Parent Drop In Session

Kirsty from the SENDIASS Team at Durham is coming into school for a parent drop in session where parents can find out more about Special Educational Needs in County Durham. Your child does not need to have a diagnosed need to attend – Kirsty can also give advice around seeking initial support for learning, mental wellbeing, communication and behaviour.  It’s …

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Y4 Art

In Year 4, we have started our new art topic for this term. We are studying art in architecture. We have learnt about some famous architects and looked at some examples of their work. This week, we were practising some different lines and experimented with shape, thickness and curves. We used these skills to help us to create a continuous …

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New PE Timetable

Spring Term 2024

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Y4 Christmas Activities

Y4 have had a lovely last few days of term. We have taken part in the Santa Dash, enjoyed our Christmas party, had a visit from Santa and finished off with a fabulous Christmas show at Seaham Town Hall.  

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Adam Bushnell

Adam Bushnell came to our class to share some fantastic ideas for  creative writing. The children all designed their own robot with their own unique, amazing features based on Adam’ s book Robochef.

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Year 3 & 4 Sportshall Athletics

Some of our Year 3 & 4  children attended the Sportshall Athletics competition today competing in both track and field events. They all performed extremely well and demonstrated excellent sportsmanship. We are very proud of you all and well done for being great representatives of our school.

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Year 4 Art

Our art topic in Year 4 this term is modern art. We have been looking at the works of Wayne Thibaud and the children created a food sculpture in his style using Modroc and decorated them using acrylic paint.

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Autumn Disco

Our Friends of St Cuthbert’s Group have organised an Autumn Disco. Please see below for details.

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