Year 4 Class

Welcome to Year 4

The staff team in Year 4 are Mr Boyle and Mrs Groark

Mr Boyle is the class teacher and Mrs Groark will be supporting on Wednesday to Friday mornings and teaching on Friday afternoons. 

The Long Term Overview below shows you what we are learning about in different subjects across the year.

Our PE days in Autumn Term are Monday and Wednesday. On Mondays, children will go swimming at Seaview school. They should bring a swimming costume / swimming shorts, a towel and a swimming hat in a waterproof bag on those days. Either Miss Scarr or Mr Boyle will accompany the children to swimming. Children should come to school wearing PE kit on Wednesdays.

Children will have break times with friends in all other year groups – please make sure that they have wellies and plimsolls in school so that they can play with all of our outdoor equipment all year round. 

Spellings lists will be available to practise on Spelling Shed. 


All About Y4 Class – transition support booklet

Long Term Overview

English Long Term Overview

Maths Long Term Overview