Anti-Bullying Week

Last week was Anti-Bullying week. We enjoyed lots of activities to help us understand what bullying is and to teach us what to do when we see or experience bullying. Reception and Year 1 were focusing on being a kind friend and Year 2 wrote a kind word about someone in their class and gave it to that person. In KS2, Year 3 and Year 4 were thinking about how they could make our school and the world a kinder place. Year 5 and 6 were discussing scenarios and giving advice about how they could be kinder to each other.

The theme of Anti-Bullying Week was “One kind word” and the children made paper chains filled with kind words to decorate their classes. We joined all of the chains together and wrapped the school in kindness. The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors also enjoyed wrapping each other in kind words!

We also wore our odd socks to help us to stand up to bullying and celebrate our similarities and differences. As always, the children took part with enthusiasm and put into practice what they have learned from this week.


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