PE & Sport

PE Lead Teacher in school is Mr Boyle
School Games Lead / PE Lead TA is Miss Scarr

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At St. Cuthbert’s our vision for PE is that every child has the opportunity to take part in physical activity regularly and through this becomes more active, more aware of their fitness and more confident. We want our pupils to have fun, learn to lead, explore different sports and develop a love of sport and activity that continues throughout their lives. We recognise the value of sport and activity in raising self esteem and resilience. PE and sport in our school gives all our pupils opportunities to experience this.  At St Cuthbert’s, our pupils know that sport and activity are important for their wellbeing; they leave us knowing how to apply skills in games, gymnastics and dance and our curriculum is sequenced in a way that allows our children to build on their knowledge and skill set each year. We give our pupils a wealth of opportunities to take part in clubs, festivals and competitions at many levels. 

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Our PE long term overview usually follows the pattern above. Sometimes changes are made depending on opportunities and support. For example in Autumn 2, 2022, Year 2,3 & 4 took part in Sportshall Athletics with Becky from the Sports Partnership. This replaced their multiskills units in other terms. Pupils who have not completed their swimming sessions to the necessary standard will have the opportunity to keep going with this.  These decisions are made based on the needs of the class and opportunities offered to school.

PE Timetable from April 2024 – May half term 2024

PE and School Sport Policy