A million children pray the Rosary

As a school on Tuesday 18th,  we took part in the “million children pray the rosary” campaign for peace and unity in the world.

Deacon Peter visited Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and explained what the rosary was and why we pray it. Then together they recited the Hail Mary, Our Father and Glory Be together.

At 11am Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 went over to church to join families and parishioners who came to take part. The campaign was introduced by Father Marc before being led by two of our school governors. They joyful mysteries were recited and the children joined in with 5 decades on rosary beads or rosary cards which they had made.

It was great to see so many of our children taking part and sending their prayers to those in our world who are desperately seeking peace and unity.

The Mini-Vinnies would like to thank all parishioners, family members, governors, staff, Father Marc and Deacon Peter who supported us with this campaign.

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