Back to School

Happy New Year to all our children and families!

We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school tomorrow and beginning our spring term.

Amid the increasing numbers of COVID cases, we would like to reassure you that we will continue to follow Local Authority, Trust and governmental guidance and will continually assess the ever-changing situation.

At St. Cuthbert’s the daily measures will be as follows:

• The use of face coverings in communal areas for all adults working in school (not in classrooms)

• Breakfast club children are kept in separate areas

• No parents or helpers to come into school

• Assemblies will be held in class, phase groups or virtually

• Any parent / teacher meetings to take place via telephone or virtually.

These recommendations build on the ongoing work by school to ensure good ventilation, cleaning, and respiratory and hand hygiene. They will be reviewed as infection levels change.

We ask that you continue to follow guidance around testing and isolating should your child or family members display symptoms. May we remind you a lateral flow test should NOT be used if the person/child has any symptoms – they should take a PCR.

Thank you to those parents who have informed us of any positive cases over the holiday period – it helps us as a school to have all information to hand. Going forward, please report any absences to the school office. Let us know the reason for absence and if it is COVID related, please let us know the end of the 10 day isolation date. There is new guidance around ending isolation early and a flow chart is attached for your reference.

If you have any questions around the new guidance, please email Mrs Noble or Mrs Parlett rather than telephone in the morning as we still have workmen in the office area and it is still quite busy!

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