Articles of the Week – Articles 2, 12 and 19

This week is anti-bullying week. A week used to raise awareness of bullying. When we are bullied, we are denied of our rights.

Article 2 which is about discrimination and how we have this right regardless of our age, gender, religion, language, abilities, family background but often bullies recognise our differences and use this to be unkind to us.

Article 12 which is our right to express feelings and opinions in matters affecting us and have your views listened too. Bullies may disagree with you and target you based on this. But equally, adults will listen and help should you use your voice and tell them. There is always a solution if you share your problems with a trusted adult. As duty bearers it is their job to keep you safe from harm.

Article 19 which is protection from violence and abuse because some forms of bullying do result in verbal and physical abuse which is not acceptable at all.

The theme for anti-bullying week this year is “United against bullying.”

A reminder of what these articles mean:

Time to think:

Examples of bullying:

Rights Respecting Tasks to carry out at school or at home:

Videos to support the activities:

Stay Safe…Be Kind 🙂

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