04.06.20 Thursday

Hello everyone,

Hope you are having a good week. What great weather we’ve had! I hope you were able to get out and enjoy it while it lasted!

Today’s Maths
More fractions work for you today using Bitesize
Equivalent fractions work.

Follow the Bitesize link. Watch the teaching videos and try the activities.

Follow the Snappy Maths link and play the game. Remember to use your times table knowledge to help you here.

I’ve included some worksheets too. Choose which are best for you.




Here’s a fraction wall which may also help you to work out / understand the equivalent fractions


Today’s writing for English and RE 

Use the information given on the link in Google Classroom. It’s the confirmation RE topic   wk 3/ lesson 3.

It suggests you…
‘design a service booklet for the Sacrament using the description and the photographs. Add some suggestions for hymns and scripture readings.’
Do this or you could make an information leaflet in Google Docs. A good one will include
correct information about the sacrament
inserted photographs
good sentence punctuation, spellings and grammar.

Remember you to access the usual: Spelling Shed, Reading Plus, Times Tables work etc. Are you still keeping your journal? 

I’ve signed up for this:

30 Days Wild

Can you do something wild everyday in June? Join us for our annual nature challenge.

30 DAYS WILD IS HERE! 🙌🦔🌻🦆😊🌞🐸🦋

What will the first Random Act of Wildness with your young people be? Will it be…

· Walking barefoot on the grass? It’s a great opportunity to focus on sensation and how it makes them feel…
· Getting up close to some critters? Download our minibeast spotter sheet and set a competition to see who can spot the highest number of different insects. ( I know some of you will love this!)

· Writing poetry outdoors? Get those creative juices flowing by encouraging your class to head outdoors and take inspiration from nature. Maybe you’re all giving haiku a go? Or let the children experiment with whatever style of poetry they like best! Older children might find this guide to nature writing useful. ( Maybe some of you fancy doing some writing?)

Let’s have a wild month!

 [gview file=”https://www.stcuthbertsprimary.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/minibeasts-v2-small.pdf”] [gview file=”https://www.stcuthbertsprimary.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Individual-pack-Nature-writing.pdf”]

I’ve also posted some Grammar revision – Apostrophe for possession which can be tricky! BBC Bitesize


Have a good day and post a message to your friends on Google Classroom. I’m sure they’ll be pleased to hear from you.

Mrs F

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