Tuesday 2nd June

Hello year 6!

Today I would like you to think carefully about percentages, decimals and fractions and practise converting them using the link below to guide you through. It is sometimes helpful to make notes on how to complete calculations so you can refer back to how to carry them out. I know this is one of your less favourite topics but it is important so try your best. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjckjp3

For English, I would you to spend around 30 minutes on reading plus – remember there is a KS2 challenge for highest word count and a class combo challenge. Luke had been our first class member to receive a vocabulary level up certificate. Can you challenge yourself this week to see if you can level up in vocabulary as well as reading?
Then, because I really enjoy your writing and fantastic imaginations, I’d like you to recap complex sentences https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zvmw7nb
Once you feel confident with your complex sentences it’s time to have some fun with them. I’d like you to create your own character and use your complex sentences to describe them. Following the guidance on the BBC Bitesize link. I have not given any guidance as to what type of character I’d like you to create so this is where your wonderful imaginations will prove to be very useful.
Feel free to draw me a picture to support your character descriptions. Remember: check your punctuation within your complex sentences carefully.

For geography there is a really interesting task about fossil fuels and renewable energy sources. I’d like you to read the information carefully on https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zr9ckmn. Watch the videos and complete all 3 activities. Remember if you can’t print, don’t worry you don’t have to complete activity 2 (wordsearch) and for the comprehension you can just write your answers on a piece of paper or word docs.
If you have anyone in your family who had worked in the coal mines, in a power plant, works with renewable energy sources, they may work for an energy company, you may want to ring them or e-mail and give your friends some additional information.

Don’t forget BBC Bitesize have games which are linked to this task https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/games/plastic-planet-marine-rescue-game

Finally, if you have access to a computer at home, practice your typing skills at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr

If you don’t have access to a computer you can CHOOSE your own final task.

Have a good day Year 6!

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