Thursday 14th May

Thursday 14th May


This week we are using White Rose Maths home learning.

The link you need is

The week you need is Summer Term week 4 (w/c 11th May). As we were doing different maths yesterday to White Rose, I would like you to do lesson 3 today rather than lesson 4. Lesson 3 is dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. Watch the video then complete the worksheets I have attached.

If you need to do the turquoise sheets, I would like you to go Year 2 home learning page for Summer week 4 lesson 3 which is subtracting 2 digit numbers. I have also added the worksheets for this.

If you want extra work, you can go to BBC Bitesize and do the activities on there.

You could also continue with Timestables Rock Stars.



Today I would you to continue with BBC bitesize. The link for BBC Bitesize is

Look at the video and complete the activities. I would like you to complete at least two of the activities. The focus is ‘their, they’re or there.’ We have covered this a few times this year, however it’s something that we still get mixed up with so it will be good revision.

Don’t forget to read, you could go on Reading Plus and improve your scores. Equally, you could read one of your own reading books. Also spend some time on spelling shed.


Continuing with waterwise, water saving activities.

Can you make your own rain gauge?

You can find out how much rain falls where you live by making your own rain measure.

What you will need:

  • An empty plastic bottle (2 litre fizzy drink bottle would be ideal)
  • Scissors
  • Jelly (3 or 4 cubes made up as directed)
  • Sticky tape
  • Ruler
  • Paper
  • Pencil

What to do:

  1. Cut around the plastic bottle about two thirds of the way up.
  2. Your bottle needs a flat bottom to be able to measure the rainfall properly. Pour a few centimeters of jelly into the bottle to create a flat bottom.
  3. Turn the top part of the bottle upside down and place it inside the bottom part – fix it in place using the tape.
  4. Make a scale in centimetres on a piece of tape, using a ruler, and fix it to the side of your bottle.
  5. Find a place outside to put your rain gauge. It must be open and away from trees.
  6. Dig a hole and bury your rain gauge so that the top is sticking out of the ground. This will stop the rain gauge from blowing down on windy days.
  7. Check the rain gauge every day at the same time, measure the amount of rain collected, and empty the bottle.
  8. Don’t forget to write down the amount of rain collected in your weather diary. I have added a Rainfall measuring worksheet to the attachments.

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