Monday 11th May

Good morning Year 3. I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and were able to celebrate VE Day is some way.

We are about to start another week of home learning. I know it is difficult sometimes to find the enthusiasm to work, but you are doing a great job. I am very proud of how hard you are trying. Remember learning at home is not the same as learning at school. Do what you can, let me know if you are unsure of anything or need help. Just drop me a message on Google classroom.


This week we are using White Rose Maths home learning.

The link you need is

The week you need is Summer Term week 4 (w/c 11th May). Lesson 1 is multiplying and dividing by 4 and 8. Watch the video then complete the worksheets I have attached.

If you find multiplying by 4 and 8 tricky or don’t feel you’re ready for this, I would like you to go Year 2 home learning page for Summer week 4 and do adding and subtracting tens. I have also added the worksheets for this.

If you want extra work, you can go to BBC Bitesize and do the activities on there.

You could also continue with Timestables Rock Stars.



Our English today is on BBC Bitesize. The lesson is using similes and metaphors. We have used similes a lot in our writing this year so you should be okay with those. Metaphors might be a little trickier, but the video clips will help you. Try to do the activities attached. I would like you to do at least 1 activity.

The link for BBC Bitesize is

Year 3, 11th May English.


Spellings this week word families based on common words.


instruct                    structure

construction               instruction

instructor                 unit

union                       united

universe                   university


Don’t forget to read. This may be your own reading book or by going on Reading Plus.



This week is water saving week so it might be nice to do activities around this. The activities link to us being an “eco school” and will go towards Mrs Prest’s green flag award. Today I would like you to be a Leak Detective. I have added some Leak Detective tasks from waterwise. How many of the tasks can you do?


As always, spend some time keeping active. Let me know how you have kept active today.


Just a reminder that all worksheets can be found on Google classroom.

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