Friday 15th May

Today, SATs would be just a distant memory and we would have been heading to the park!

Since we can’t get there today I would like you to plan your dream post-sats celebration.


This could be designing the park of your dreams, going somewhere weird and wonderful with all of your friends, having a celebration and inviting famous people.

Tell us how you would have celebrated, where it would take place, who you would have invited and why.


This week has also been national water week, encouraging people to save water. Article 14 tell us we have the right to clean water and we know many children around the world do not have this and we should do our best to save water.

As we are all eco-warriors, your first task is to go around your home to make sure none of your water is being wasted – eg. Leaving taps on while brushing teeth etc. Read the leak detective page before you start


Then read the story about the girl who became a water superhero:


Can you complete a drawing of the water cycle and label it to help give you a greater understanding of where our water comes from? Why would some places around the world have less water than others?

What action are you going to take to become a water superhero?
Can you design a save water week superhero mascot?

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