Thursday 14th May

Today would have been your final day of SATs week!

Hasn’t it flown by

I hope this week has given you a little feel of what you would have experienced without the added stress or exam conditions.

It is such a shame you missed out on the actual experience but don’t worry, at secondary school I am sure you will make up for it!


Breakfast  … What are we having today?


Last test would have been paper 3 maths! This is the last maths test and would contain more year 5 and 6 maths style questions making it slightly more challenging than yesterdays.


Give it a try. If you finding it too tricky, you can complete today’s bitesize task instead as remember, we are not getting ourselves stressed. You would not be allowed to be stressed at school so you are not going to be stressed at home! That’s just craziness!


Year 6 – Reasoning – Summer 2019

Once you have completed this, make sure if you have not yet tried the Rights Respecting tasks or the Science tasks from the school website you try those today.

Then the rest of the day is your own! Try to get some fresh air, do some mindfulness or find the time to relax.


You are all amazing year 6! Stay Safe!

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