Wednesday 13th May

Day 3 of what would have been SATs week!

Today would have been a busy day as it would have been Maths but you would have been sitting paper 1 which is your arithmetic and lasts 30 minutes and paper 2 after a break which lasts 40 minutes and is a mixture of maths knowledge you’ve gain from your time in KS2. Remember this paper would only have a few questions from new learning in Year 6.

Remember to give yourself a little break between tasks.

First task, arithmetic, we told you from day one this is the same as any arithmetic we do on a Monday, it is just set out differently. Complete the attached arithmetic in around 30 minutes. Don’t worry if you don’t get finished. Remember to do your working out!

The second task is a range of maths questions, similar to those you might have be faced with on paper 2. You have 40 minutes.

Please remember none of these are actual tests. More quizzes of your knowledge.  If you get stuck, ask; if you are struggling move on.

Year 6 – Arithmetic – Spring 2019

Year 6 – Reasoning – Spring 2019

These were the only tasks set out for you today. You now have the rest of the day to yourself to carry out tasks you would enjoy doing to help you relax – art, exercise, cookery, reading, computing etc.

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