Thoughtful Thursday

Thank you for showing me photographs of your Great Grandparents who fought in the war. I’ve included a photograph of my Granda and some of the medals he got. It is important to remember how brave people were during that time.

I wish I was coming to your celebration tomorrow. Some of the sandwiches you have designed sound delicious. Today you are making your final preparations for your celebration. You need to make sure all of your family know they are invited and what time you are having your tea party. Think about some of the games you are going to play. I’ve included a list of some traditional ones. You could award medals to your family for the good things they do eg being kind, making you smile etc. You could also play music from that time and don’t forget to sing the song from Out of the Ark.

I can’t wait to see your photographs of your celebrations.

Don’t forget there won’t be any planning for tomorrow as school is closed in honour of VE day. Enjoy your long weekend and I will be back in touch on Monday.

Have fun. Xxx


Thursday’s tasks




Watch YouTube for your daily phonics work. Today the sounds are:

Set 1 – z
Set 2 – oy
Set 3 – are

Musical chairs/cushions


Put some of your words or sounds on chairs or cushions which are placed in a line. Play some music and move around the cushions when the music stops sit on a chair/cushion and say the sound you are sitting on.



Literacy Making invitations to family. It is nearly time for VE celebration day so you need to decide what time you are going to have your celebration and let your family members know what time your celebration is going to take place. I’ve included a template to help you if you need one.


Maths Making Cakes – why don’t you make some cakes? I’ve included an easy recipe. Help your grown up to measure out the ingredients accurately. You might want to make some cake toppers. I’ve included a template if you want to make some.
Other areas of learning Making medals for family members. I’ve included a photograph of my Granda who was in the army and fought in WW 2. He got lots of medals for being brave. I’ve included a photograph of some of his medals. Think of some people you know and think of the things they do for you and others. Could you design a medal to give them for doing something special?

Look at song from Out of The Ark Home week 7 VE day song




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