Tuesday 5th May

Hello everyone, It was lovely to see everything that you all found out about VE Day yesterday. Now it’s time to plan your VE Day celebration party for Friday!

Today I would like you to create an invitation for your grown-ups/siblings. You will need the date of your party and you will need to know your address as this is where your party is going to be. I have added a template below that you might like to use or you might want to make your own!
I have also added  a reading comprehension to the google classroom that you might like to have a try at all about VE Day. Yellow English table try the first one, orange and green the second and red and blue table the third.


[gview file=”https://www.stcuthbertsprimary.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/invitation.docx”]


For maths, we will continue with White Rose and today we will be looking at Summer Week 3, Lesson2 – comparing number sentences. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/Remember that the crocodile’s mouth always eats the biggest number! I have added the link below and like yesterday of you would like to try some more activities, head over to BBC bitesize.

Have a look at the photograph that I have added below. Look carefully at it and think about what you can see. Look carefully at the clothes. Think about what will you wear for your party? Design and label some party outfits for your guests. I wonder if you can spruce up some old clothes to make them suitable for the party.

Keep working hard,

Mrs Wilkinson xxx

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