Wednesday 6th May

Hello Year 6.

We are half way through the week and I hope you have enjoyed learning about V.E day as much as I have.

To begin with today I would like you to read Churchill’s victory speech. What effect does his speech have on his country? Why did his country need to hear these words at this time?

In 1945 no one knew for certain when the war was going to end. It was a time of waiting, getting on, supporting one another and more waiting. Sound familiar? We are making our own history in this time of uncertainty. Living in lockdown is nothing like we have ever experienced before. We have been given guidance by Boris Johnson our Prime Minister to stay home, only go out when it is essential to stop the spread of Covid-19. We can’t see loved ones or do the things we would normally do.

But it will end. We don’t know when but we have hope it will, like millions did in 1945.

I would like you to use Churchill’s speech and what you have seen of our Prime Minister delivering speeches on the television and write your own end of pandemic speech.

It should be powerful, direct, use positive language, contain repetition of key information and use different length sentences for effect.

It would be lovely to think in the near future we can read these speeches aloud thanking our friends and family for following guidance and thanking our key workers for keeping the country moving what use to be uncertain times.

I really can’t wait to read these!

For Maths I have attached a budgeting task. During the war people lived on rations to make sure there were enough to go around. So no stock piling of toilet paper and other items which we have seen our shelves emptied of during this pandemic. Families had to make meals from what they had to feed their family.

I have attached a rationing sheet. Think about the people who live in your house and decide on how much of each item you think you will need and complete the challenges.

As something fun for you to try I have attached a template of a WW2 Spitfire plane for you to model. If you can’t print it, don’t worry try to make your own paper airplane, decorate it similar to the spitfire and see how far it travels (mind the ornaments and breakables around your home!)


Simple WW2 Spitfire Glider Activity Paper Craft

rationing task

Churchill’s speech

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