Friday 1st May

Well Year 2, it’s Friday again. I am so proud of how hard you have all been working this week. You are all superstars! I have loved looking at all of your art work ad seeing how creative you have been. Remember to send me some photographs.

.Today we will continue using White Rose and will be working on Summer week 2, lesson 5 -Problem solving. I would like you to try questions , 2 and 3 and then if you are up for a challenge, try Q4!


For English we will be working on BBC Bitesize (Thursday’s lesson on their website). would like you to watch the video all about adjectives and then complete activity 2 and create your own magical plant.

Continue this week’s art project and then have some golden time.

Well done to you all, another fab week working at home. I am very proud of you all!

Stay safe,

Mrs Wilkinson

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