1.5.20 Friday’s Summary

Hi everyone

Here’s the summary of the plan for today. Remember like yesterday, you’ll need to open other assignments to find the individual pieces of work with specific instructions. These will be posted in the Year 4 Google Classroom.

I’m proposing:
Maths – revision and consolidation of column subtraction, following on from yesterday’s addition work, BBC Bitesize Daily will help you.
Maths Challenges – Remember Bitesize Daily are setting maths challenges that can be done independently or shared with other siblings in your family.
English – Reading Comprehension linked to RE Pentecost story. ( Do this first)
RE – specific task for the Pentecost story  ( Do this second)

Reminders of ongoing tasks:
Reading Plus
Journal – Continue writing about your daily life and experiences in your journal.
Times table work – Squeebles, Rock Stars and Times table Me or other method you prefer.
Being Kind Calendar ( British Red Cross suggestions posted last week)

Also Miss Huntley is putting Rights Respecting and Science ideas on our website weekly. Look to the right of the screen for 27th April :
Article of the Week 12
Home Learning Science Tasks

Let me know how you get on!
Have a good day
Mrs F x

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