Monday 27th April

Good morning Year 1, I hope you all had a lovely weekend.



Here’s your flashback 4 for today

Today we are going to continue with halving. Remember you can use objects such as coins as counters to help you separate your whole number into 2 groups. Click the link below and have a go at the following questions.





Today we are going to look at alliteration. Alliteration is where the first letter of two or more words start with the same sound e.g. Curly caterpillar, big bear, pink pig.

Follow the link below and try activity 2 and think of some of your own.




This week we are going to be looking at the features of a plant. If you can, pick a flower from your garden or when you’re out on a walk for your daily exercise. If you can’t get a hold of a flower don’t worry you can draw a picture of one. Use the following labels to label the parts on your flower.


stem      petal      leaf        root


Talk with your adult and discuss what you think each part is for.


Try and get some fresh air and exercise in today and stay safe!

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