Tuesday 28th April

Good Morning Year 6!

Today is CHOOSEDAY! But before you choose what you would like to learn about, I would like you to do the tasks below.

For Maths, I would like you to watch the videos and attempt the multi-step addition and subtraction word problems on the BBC Bitesize link:
Amelia and Luca I would like you to practice your partitoning of numbers using the link below, remember to watch the videos first on the link below:

For English I would like you all to go onto reading plus for 30 minutes then try to activity on commas and brackets on the BBC Bitesize link below:
You were very good at using brackets before, just think carefully about where to place your commas.
I have also attached a spelling task where it is your job to spot the mistakes.

Following on with our RE about Pentecost, read the three passages from Scripture that I have attached and draw up an action plan of ’How to prepare to be a witness.’ I have attached a template you could use or you could design your own way of presenting how you could prepare to be a witness (remember printing this sheet isn’t essential).

Once you have completed today’s learning tasks CHOOSE something you would like to learn about, remember the BBC Bitesize website has lots of good suggestions or you may feel inspired by something you have seen your friends have done. One rule – it can’t be anything you have chosen before.

Have a good day Year 6!

#bekind #staysafe #choosewisely



scripture to read 2

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