Wednesday 22nd April

Hi everyone.

In English, I would like you to use Adam’s idea of creating your own worm or WYRM. Can you think about what kind of powers it would have? Remember it wouldn’t have legs but it could have wings if you want it to. Anya and Isla in school designed a really cool wyrm on the yard with chalk. Are you allowed to draw on your drive or pavement to make a great big one?? Once you’ve done your design, please can you write a description of your worm/wyrm? One of the things I have noticed is that you are forgetting to use different sentence openers this week. Don’t keep starting with THE!! Remember that fronted adverbials can tell us where, how and why…

WHERE – on its head… along its back… in the centre of each eye…
HOW – with a slither… silently… gradually… in the blink of an eye…
WHY – whenever it was hungry… if it needed to rest… as soon as it caught the scent of a human…

You also need to include similes and alliteration please! I’ve added a Google Doc for you to complete below. It only needs to be about 10 sentences long.

In maths, we are continuing to use White Rose to look at adding and subtracting decimals for the rest of the week. Today, follow the link in Google Classroom and watch lesson 2 please then complete the sheet. Remember that the questions get more challenging as they move on, so if you need to stop after the first sheet you can do.

Bonus content – I’ve included the song of the Lambton Worm. As Adam said it is our most famous local legend so well worth learning at least the chorus. I’ll sing it for you when we get back to school.

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