Wednesday 1st April

It’s April Fool’s Day!

Now, I love playing tricks on my husband on April Fool’s Day. He always falls for them. So I wondered if you lot could maybe do the same??? Take all of the batteries out of the remote controls… hide all the toilet rolls so no-one can find them… Draw a spider on the loo roll so they get spooked… stuff some cotton wool into their shoes so they think they’re too small….

I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to – better still send me a photo.


Head to the Google Classroom for today’s work!

Maths – I’ve set you a TT Rockstars challenge. A battle against Year 4. Don’t let me down!!!
I’ve also included a fractions to decimals spreadsheet for you to try. If you type in the answer in the yellow box it will mark it for you. It SHOULD work but I’ve made it myself so it might not! Give it a try. Remember that tenths have one decimal place and hundredths have 2 decimal places.

English. So…. you have designed a dragon! Now it’s time to have a go at that non-chronological report. I’ve also added a writing task based on Adam’s story yesterday if you watched it and want a go. These two writing tasks will take you a few days to do well. Try a paragraph – send it to me to check and then you can edit. Or, you could write a whole piece of work and I will mark it and send it back with edits. I’ve been quite nice so far and haven’t given you lots of targets. For these pieces, I’m expecting fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and relative clauses (that, which, who, whose)!!

TAKE YOUR TIME – I’d rather you handed in half an hour’s work and only be a little bit done than write it all in 20 minutes and it not be your best work.

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