April Fool’s Day! (Wed. 1st April)

Hello all!

I hope you are doing ok and keeping busy? Remember we want you to try to do some schoolwork everyday as well as keeping active and doing some things that you enjoy and help you to relax!

Here’s your work for Wednesday.



I’ve chosen something that we need to revisit and revise – Rounding to nearest 10, 100 and 100.



Now try these in your maths homework book or in your jotter.


Write the tens either side of the given number and mark it approximately on the number line. Then circle the 10 to which the given number is closer.

so for 41 you should have

40                     50     Then circle the 40 because that is the nearest 10

Here write the hundreds either side of the given number and mark it approximately on the number line. Then circle the 100 to which the given number is closer.

so for 234 you should have written

200           and     300                            as 234  is between these two multiples of 100                Then circle the 200 because that is the nearest 100

Now for this part write the thousands either side of the given number and mark it approximately on the number line. Then circle the 1000 to which the given number is closer.

so for 2670 you should have written

2000           and     3000 in the boxes         Then circle the 300 because that is the nearest 1000

Now try these numbers




Then there’s Flashback 4. They’re challenges from Y3  to check you’re remembering skills and facts.

The answers for these are at the bottom of this page!



Reading Plus – for those who started this in school, have you tried out any more online activities this week? Keep going with this please. Miss Huntley has informed me that all of you who have been doing the assignments have 80% or more which is brilliant!



Holy Week Book

Everyone was given this to take home so I thought we’d use it for some reading and writing over the next few days.

The first part of the story is Palm Sunday. Do you remember what’s happening in this picture? Now go to the School Home Page and click on Topmarks . Its the blue one in the bottom corner.

Then click All about Easter. Scroll down until you find Easter Story. Click on this and read the first part.


Today I’d like you to rewrite this part in your Holy Week book. On the back of the  first page will do. Your challenge is to include some direct speech. Imagine what did Jesus might have said to his disciples. What about the owner of the donkey? The disciples? What conversations might there have been?

Remember what you practised earlier this week. Mrs E set some direct speech/ speech marks work.


Try some of the  doodle colouring pages below for a bit of fun. I hope the link works!

Also on Google Classroom . You’ll need to print these out to do them.

[gview file=”https://www.stcuthbertsprimary.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/easter_doodle_colouring_page-3.pdf”] [gview file=”https://www.stcuthbertsprimary.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/basket_of_easter_eggs_colouring_page.pdf”]

Let me know how you get on with today’s tasks. I’d love to hear what else you’ve been up to?


Take care

Mrs Fitzpatrick


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