Wednesday 25th March

Hello Reception Class. It’s been so lovely to see the work you have been doing and the pictures you have been making with your tangrams. Bob has included a new challenge for you today. He has also chosen a new act of kindness for you to follow during Lent.

On one of the challenges it suggests you make 3-d shapes with play dough. Just in case you don’t have any there are lots of different recipes on youtube using salt, flour (hopefully you might have some!) and water. Let me know how you get on.

Another challenge asks you to look for shapes in the shops.I know you won’t be able to get there now so just look around the house.
On youtube Mr Puddick’s story time Walters wonderful web tells us a story about a spider who likes to make a web in different shapes. Why don’t you go on a spider web hunt in and outside your house. You could then use some string or play dough to create your own spider web shape.
Beware of spiders!

Draw a picture of what a spider might catch in your web. Can you make up a story of what happens when something strange is caught in the web? You could draw a story plan or write some sentences. I’m looking forward to hearing some of your ideas.
I know lots of you enjoy playing with your lego so I found a 30 day challenge to keep you busy if you haven’t got lego you could use boxes.
Don’t forget to keep active I took part in Joe Wicks PE session today and realised I wasn’t very fit!

Love from Mrs Groark xx

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