
We are still waiting to receive a definitive list of identified ‘Key Workers’ from the government. At this stage we believe schools will be open for vulnerable children and children where both parents are key workers or in single parent families where the main carer is a key worker. Please contact us if you believe you fall into these categories and have not already done so.



Durham Local Authority have contacted us to say that they anticipate school closures will be in three phases.

Firstly, the two weeks leading up to the planned Easter break where we will be educating some children on site and some remotely through links on our website.  Once we know which families are eligible to send pupils to school, we will let you know and we will be open from 8:30 on Monday until 4:00. There will be no breakfast club but we are extending school hours to enable parents to get to work.  We will contact those families who are eligible at the earliest opportunity to discuss lunches and drop off / collection arrangements. 

Secondly, there is discussion about arrangements over the Easter holidays to ensure that both pupils and staff get some respite. We still have no guidance on this but anticipate that there will be provision for caring for vulnerable children and children of key workers. 

Thirdly, the Local Authority are now thinking about arrangements after Easter in the event of schools remaining closed which, again, we need to wait for further information on. 

Finally, school will be providing a free school meal for all those entitled whether they are in school or not. We will need to finalise details with the catering company before we give you further details. 

Thank you for your patience – we know this isn’t as much information as you need but it is all we know at the minute.



As you will be aware, schools across England will be closing on Friday for the foreseeable future to all but the children of key workers. We are waiting for a definitive list of these key workers but it would be helpful if you could contact school if you work in the following sectors AND WOULD SEND YOUR CHILDREN TO SCHOOL.


•Emergency Services & prison officers

•Armed forces

•Teachers / Childcare / School staff

•Care home workers

•Social workers

•Local Authority planners

•Environmental Health

•Highways Agency

Although these are not on the current defined list, we are expecting the government to include those who work in Ministry of Defence, pharmacies and supermarket workers / delivery drivers.

Please either telephone us or email Mrs Noble or Mrs Parlett as soon as possible if you fall into these categories.  We will also make provision for children with EHCPs and those with a social worker and will contact you today. 



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