Year 3 at the Oriental Museum.

Year 3 had a lovely day at the Oriental Museum. The trip completed our Egyptian topic off perfectly. Rachael kept us very busy. During the morning, we became explorers and had to investigate what we thought ancient artefacts were made from, where they were used and what the object was. We then went on an Egyptian quest in the Egyptian room. We even got to dress up as Egyptians.

After lunch Rachael told us about the Mummy in the burial chamber. We really enjoyed finding out about the person buried thousands of years ago. Finally, we got to ‘mummify’ Kathryn. Rachael showed us how someone of great importance would have been buried. It was very gory but fun. Don’t worry! We brought Kathryn back in one piece.

Year 3 would like to thank the adults who came to help. We had a fantastic day out.

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