
Good morning and apologies for not posting this information last night, but I forgot! Anyway it was in Google Classroom if you were keen to get ahead.

Remember – Please log into Google Classroom to access your work

Maths   – Some of you struggled with the missing number maths challenges last week so today I’d like you to try the inverse worksheet. Remember the inverse ( opposite ) of + is –

VE day activities – Historical evidence work. Look at the photograph first. Then open Clues in a Photograph KS2 doc and answer the questions. Can you think up some of your own?

Some ideas for you to consider on the slides.

[gview file=”https://www.stcuthbertsprimary.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Some-suggestions-for-learning-and-celebration.docx”]

Find out more about VE day by reading the VE Day Information Powerpoint. Then you could colour some pictures, make the spitfire or colour some bunting to decorate your party setting. Alternately, make your own bunting with some, spare materials around the house. Do you know the phrase ‘ make do and mend’?

Remember to make your VE Day invitation/s and post today if you didn’t do it yesterday.

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