
Hello again Y4,

Today’s activities will include:

BBC Maths – Subtracting fractions.
Subtract fractions from whole numbers and from mixed numbers.
This lesson includes two videos and two interactive activities.

BBC Bitesize English – using brackets.
To understand how to use brackets to add extra information to your writing.
This lesson includes one video about how and when to use brackets, one video about a Viking story and three activities.

This term our history topic is the Anglo-Saxons. I have set two activities this week for this topic which can be done over three days if you wish. Please do more of these activities if at all possible. They will prepare you for your history lessons in year 5.

Remember to try your best with the activities but if you struggle on any of them you can always use the online resources available and always try to read every day. Mrs Parlett will be very impressed if you know all / most of your times tables. I want you to be happy and healthy first.

If I can help at all please get in touch.

Thanks again for all your hard work.

Love Mrs E xxx

Subtracting Fractions




[gview file=”https://www.stcuthbertsprimary.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/History-1st-June-2020.docx”]


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